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  • 网络firmness;robustness;fastness;Immobility
  1. 我若是处在这种境况下的公司,我会对供应链的牢固性产生疑问。

    If I were a company in that position I would be questioning the robustness of supply chains .

  2. 并且支架也是采用铸造成型结构,使得阀门具有更好的牢固性和使用性。

    It completely makes up for past PTFE difficult to seal and processing inconvenient , and yoke is casted into a model using structure to valve with better robustness and usability .

  3. 从衡阳大火浅谈我国建筑结构的整体牢固性

    On integral firmness of the building structure in China From Hengyang big fire

  4. 研究发现,这种涂层能够在一定程度上抑制霜层的生长,并且这种涂层牢固性好,重复使用性高。另外,这种涂层的传热热阻非常小,与具有较大热阻的霜层相比可以忽略。

    We found that the coating could restrain the frost layer growth to certain extent .

  5. 旋涂法和静电纺制备的催化剂薄膜均匀平整且牢固性好,可以重复使用。

    The catalyst films prepared by spin coating and electro-spinning methods are even , uniform and adherent .

  6. 成形加工过程中成形零件与基体表面的粘结牢固性直接决定加工是否可以顺利完成。

    The shaping machining process is directly determined by the bonding property between base surface and the part .

  7. 所制备的大工件内表面反射膜,膜层结构致密,牢固性好,均匀性在±5%之内。

    The structure of such layers is fine and firm , its homogeneity being within ± 5 % .

  8. 二,党在作出把全党工作重点转移到社会主义现代化建设上来这一重大决策时,在指导思想上具有相当的牢固性。

    The guiding ideology was deep-set in the shifting of the Party 's working stress to the socialist modernization ;

  9. 热定型树脂给织物添加永久性定型或洗穿性能,并改进防护剂的牢固性。

    Thermosetting resins impart durable press or wash-and-wear properties to the fabric and improve the fastness of the repellent .

  10. 行业协会价格卡特尔具有执行的牢固性,行为更具隐蔽性,并且和一般的价格卡特尔相比危害更为严重。

    Trade association price cartel has solid performance , more subtle behavior and more serious harm than general price cartel .

  11. 用自来水冲刷薄膜和透明胶带粘揭薄膜实验表明,薄膜具有很好的牢固性。

    The results indicate that the film is properly adherent proved by tap water erosion test and the scotch tape test .

  12. 高吸水树脂具有良好的成膜性、膜牢固性及作用于玉米、棉花种子的分散性,对种子无毒害,因此能够成为良好的保水种衣剂。

    Super absorbent polymer was a good anti-drought corn and cotton seedling for it can film well on corn and cotton seed .

  13. 术中测量胆道压力及术后测量胆道压力和T管窦道的牢固性;

    The biliary tract static pressure was measured during operation and postoperatively and the in tract ness of T-tube sinus was checked .

  14. 这表明,它并不影响它穿过的物体的结构或牢固性,它自己的整体性也不受影响。

    This revealed that it does not affect the structure or solidity of whatever it is going through , neither is its own integrity affected .

  15. 通过对热处理后青菜组织内部叶绿素-蛋白质牢固性、叶绿素降解产物和过氧化物酶活性变化的检测,初步考察了青菜热水浴处理的保绿机理。

    Chlorophyll-Protein binding capacity , intermediate products of Chlorophyll degradation and POD activity were measured to determine the green keeping mechanism of Pak Choi heat treatment .

  16. 钝化后立即在适当温度下烘干即或以提高钝化膜的牢固性又可以提高耐腐能力。

    After passivating , galvanized steel wire are immediately dried under suitable temperature , this is not only prompt the film adherence but also get long service time .

  17. 你是对的,斑点,也就是全白头或者头上有黑色是不相关的。狗的结构和牢固性,才是最重要的!

    You are correct , markings , as to wether they have an all white head or patches is irrelevant !! Structure and soundness is what is important .

  18. 探究钡掺杂对Ba2+/TiO2薄膜的牢固性、亲水性、形貌结构、光透射性能和光催化性能的影响。

    The effects of doped Ba2 + on adhesion , hydrophily , morphology structure , light transmission performance and photocatalytic activity of Ba2 + / TiO2 film are investigated .

  19. 基于传统结构主义语言理论之上的传统语言教学法有着其必然的枯燥性、语言学习者课堂参与积极性不高、词汇记忆牢固性差等缺陷。

    Traditional way of lexical teaching is obviously characterized with certain deficiencies , such as uninterestingness , low class participation of language learners , unfirmness of learners ' memory .

  20. 专色印刷,色彩灵活、鲜艳,牢固性强,不退色,不透色!广泛应用于运动服装,体育用品!

    Spot color printing , color flexible , bright , solid and strong , do not fade , not through color ! Widely used in sports clothing , sporting goods !

  21. 在芯片测试中,若引线焊盘上的铝层被探针扎穿,就会影响引线键合的牢固性和器件的可靠性。

    If the Al film on the bond pad is pierced through by the probe in wafer probing , the wire bond - ing strength and device reliability would be affected .

  22. 其优点是精确度高、不易变形,用高强度螺钉加固,不会起钉,牢固性好;

    Its merit is the precision high , is not easy to distort , with the high strength bolt reinforcement , cannot get up the nail , the reliability is good ;

  23. 解决了现有技术中太阳能充电器牢固性不佳,外贴太阳能电池板容易脱落的技术问题。

    The solar energy charger solves the technical problems in the prior art that the fastness of the solar energy charger is poor and an externally-adhered solar panel can easily fall .

  24. 既保证低温下粘接的牢固性,又保证其真空密封性和耐久性,是低温粘接技术的关键。

    The key of the low temperature bonding technology is not only to ensure the firmness of adhesive joints at the cryogenic temperature , but also to ensure vacuum tightness and duration .

  25. 从力学性能分析角度论证了该保温体系连接的牢固性.结论是该保温体系安全可靠。

    From the sense of mechanics property analysis , the paper proves secure property of this insulation system 's link and obtains the conclusion that the insulation system link is safe and reliable .

  26. 从衡阳大火引起的建筑倒塌事故入手,分析了影响建筑结构整体牢固性的两方面决定因素:即结构的安全性和结构的耐久性。

    Two governing factors for integral firmness of building structures , that is the structure safety and structure durability , were analyzed from the accident of building collapse caused by Hengyang big fire .

  27. 结果表明,本文制备的光纤激光器光学膜,有效的提高了激光损伤阈值,解决了低温冷镀的膜层牢固性问题。

    The results indicated that the preparation of optical films of fiber laser , effectively raise the laser damage threshold , and solve the problem of the film firmly under low temperature deposition .

  28. 本实用新型可预制并批量生产,能适应不同规格尺寸和墙体厚度的需要,便于安装,牢固性好。

    This utility model can be prefabricated in volume production and can meet the demand of different specifications , sizes and thickness of wall body , and easy to install with good firmness .

  29. 实验表明:预处理是解决不锈钢着色的色膜均匀、光亮、牢固性的关键,而色膜的耐磨性则取决于正确的坚膜处理。

    The result shows that the pretreatment is the key for sloving the unifor-mity , brightness and firmness of coloring of stainless steel , and the abradability of color film is decided by the firmly treatment .

  30. 论述了人类婚姻史上离婚现象的否定之否定,即中世纪用婚姻的牢固性、不可离异性否定了原始婚姻的松散性,而现代社会又用离婚自由否定了中世纪的离婚不自由。

    The paper analyzes the course of negation of negation of the divorce in the history of marriage . That is to say , the substance and inseparability of marriage in Middle Ages negated the relaxation of primeval marriage .