
  • 网络milk;Milk Chocolate;Dairy Milk;milkchocolate
  1. 我要买牛奶巧克力。

    I want some milk chocolate .

  2. 由上等奥地利牛奶巧克力制成的NES游戏机的遥控器。

    NES controller-shaped candy bar made from the finest Austrian milk chocolate .

  3. 不过,除非你在为万圣节囤货,否则可别急于购买银河系牛奶巧克力(MilkyWay)或士力架(Snickers)巧克力棒。

    But unless you are stocking up for Halloween , do not rush to buy Milky Way or Snickers bars .

  4. 樱桃,牛奶巧克力,茶,覆盆子,蘑菇。

    Cherry , milk chocolate , tea , raspberry , mushrooms .

  5. 牛奶巧克力是棕色的,口感非常好,深受人们喜爱。

    Milk chocolate brown , taste very good , very popular .

  6. 有人给我们精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力。

    We were offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate .

  7. 那他就要被做成草莓牛奶巧克力夹心软糖

    Then he will be made into strawberry-flavored , chocolate-coated fudge .

  8. 食用牛奶巧克力的那组人分数较高。

    The group that ate milk chocolate had higher scores .

  9. 牛奶巧克力里的大部分儿茶素都会在加工过程中流失。

    Milk chocolate has most epicatechin processed out of it .

  10. 学习一下怎样去除黑巧克力和牛奶巧克力污渍。

    Learn how to get rid of dark and milk chocolate stains .

  11. 人们更加喜欢牛奶巧克力的味道。

    People liked the taste of milk chocolate even better .

  12. 最新一项研究表明,吃牛奶巧克力可以增强脑功能。

    A new study hints that eating milk chocolate may boost brain function .

  13. 别把牛奶巧克力放进糖果袋子,改放那些富含抗氧化物质的黑巧克力吧。

    Skip the milk chocolate and sneak antioxidant-rich dark chocolate into trick-or-treat bags .

  14. 我有两种不同类型的巧克力:黑巧克力和牛奶巧克力。

    I have two different kinds of chocolate : dark and milk chocolate .

  15. 黑巧克力比原味巧克力和牛奶巧克力的黄烷醇含量更高。

    Dark chocolate contains higher quantaties of the chemical than plain or milk chocolate .

  16. 牛奶巧克力做成的唱片。

    Large music record made from milk chocolate .

  17. 请给我一块旺卡一流开心牛奶巧克力软糖

    One Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight , please .

  18. 这是一种便宜的牛奶巧克力。

    This is a cheaper milk chocolate .

  19. 为了使其更加美味,可以在杯子中放入一些牛奶巧克力碎屑。

    For a really indulgent treat , grate a little milk chocolate over the mug .

  20. 当我进入学堂后,我的生活是一块牛奶巧克力。

    Then when I got into the primary school , my life seems like a milk chocolate .

  21. 黑巧克力中含有大量的黄酮醇,而常见的牛奶巧克力中黄酮醇的含量却很低。

    While normal milk chocolate lacks flavonols , you will find plenty of it in dark chocolate .

  22. 白巧克力和牛奶巧克力虽然保存不了这么久,不过它们也很耐久的。

    White and milk chocolate will not keep for as long , but they are surprisingly robust .

  23. 布莱恩洛登布舒博士有一个自愿请缨的试验小组,一组食用了85克的牛奶巧克力糖。

    To find out , Raudenbush had a group of volunteers eat 85 grams of milk chocolate .

  24. 牛奶巧克力:浓浓香味,沁人心脾,融化柔情蜜意。

    Milk Chocolate : The dense fragrance melts your heart all into the sweetness and tenderness of love .

  25. 和如今的很多人一样,相对于牛奶巧克力,我总的来说更喜欢黑巧克力更为纯粹的味道。

    Like many people nowadays , I generally prefer the purer flavors of dark chocolate to milk chocolate .

  26. 她带来了一盒糖果,不过她已经吃掉了所有的牛奶巧克力糖。

    She brought in a box of sweets , but she had already eaten all the milk chocolates .

  27. 高含量的黄烷醇被发现存在于黑巧克力当中,但在牛奶巧克力和白巧克力中则相对要少很多。

    High levels of flavanols are found in dark chocolate but less so in milk or white chocolate .

  28. 主要成分:牛奶巧克力,糖,可可脂,全脂奶粉,蛋黄素,香草荚,烤杏仁。

    Ingredients : milk chocolate , sugar , co-co , full-milk powder , lecithin , vanillin , toast almond .

  29. 如果是牛奶巧克力,向刚才的混合溶液中加入几滴氨水。

    For milk chocolate stains , add a few drops of ammonia to the mixture you 've already made .

  30. 如果你喜欢牛奶巧克力(也叫白巧克力)小糖果胜过那种黑巧克力的,你最好还是改变一下。

    If you favor those milk chocolate bon-bons over the dark variety , you might be better off switching .