
  1. 你要在你的朋友面前装的牛一点?

    You 're gonna act all tough in front of your friends ?

  2. 有人写了张字条,向富翁借牛一用。

    Someone gave a rich man a note which asked to borrow an ox from him .

  3. 盖洛韦:“像食用牛一类大型动物,绝大部分牛吃进的氮都排泄了出来。”

    JIM GALLOWAY : " For large animals like beef , a very large fraction of the nitrogen that enters the cow 's mouth is excreted out the back end . "

  4. 英语是统一命题,另外就是你的专业考试,根据各省要求不同考试的科目和内容也不同,有牛一点的学校是单独命题的,而且不许跨专业。

    English is unified proposition , the major that is you additionally takes an exam , according to saving a requirement each the course of different exam and content also differ , having a bit more arrogant school is separate proposition , and must not cross major .

  5. 微小牛蜱一个抗菌多肽编码基因的克隆和表达

    Molecular cloning and analysis of antimicrobial peptide of Boophilus microplus

  6. 中国西门塔尔牛是一种大型的乳肉兼用品种。

    Chinese Simmental is a large milk and meat type .

  7. 一个牧牛人赶着一群牛在一家石油加工厂附近经过。

    A cowhand herds cattle past a petroleum processing plant .

  8. 在印度,牛是一种神圣的动物。

    The cow is a sacred animal to Indians .

  9. 牛的一种病;特征是尿中带血。

    A disease of cattle ; characterized by hematuria .

  10. 对印度人来说,牛是一种神圣的动物。

    The cow is a sacred animal to Hindus .

  11. 看,一只绵羊、一只鹅、一只牛还有一只公鸡。

    Look ! A sheep , a goose , a cow and a rooster .

  12. 通常情况下,我们都会让两头牛一边一个的并躯工作,并给它们加上特制的枷锁。

    Oxen typically work side by side , being attached with a specially-fitted yoke .

  13. 我要进入委内瑞拉最牛的一所大学学习了。

    I was going to attend one of the most exclusive colleges in Venezuela .

  14. 牛是一种有用的动物。

    The ox is a useful animal .

  15. 一头棕色的牛有一顶王冠。

    A brown cow has a crown .

  16. 你能砍掉牛的一条腿,然后期待他再长出四条腿吗?

    Can you cut off a leg from a cow and expect it to grow four more legs ?

  17. 奇灵厄姆牛在一年中都可以生育,而不像其他英国的哺乳动物那样只在春季和夏季繁育。

    The Chillinghams can give birth all year , not just spring and summer like most U.K. mammals .

  18. 我来一份终极龙虾牛小排一大杯可乐总共17.99美元

    I 'll have the ultimate surf and turf and a large Coke . That 'll be $ 17.99 .

  19. 毒牛芹一种生长于北美洲的多年生草本植物(毒牛芹),生有羽状的复叶,开伞状小白花。

    A perennial North American herb ( Oxypolis rigidior ) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers .

  20. 参赛者的目的是使牛承受一个非常剧烈的跌倒并随后拖拽以击晕它。

    The roper 's intent is to make the steer sustain a sufficiently violent fall and subsequent dragging to stun him .

  21. 外科医牛用一块狗的颅骨修复了一位俄国贵族头颅。

    The recipient was a Russian nobleman with an injured head ; A surgeon patched him up with a piece of dog skull .

  22. 一个冬季的周六,在他的哈德维克的农场上,西恩把他的一群肥大的德文牛从一块牧草地上赶到了一块新的、牧草茂盛的牧地。

    On a wintry Saturday at his farm in Hardwick , he is out in his pastures encouraging a herd of plump Devon cows to move to a grassy new paddock .

  23. 在美国官方看来,现在的美洲野牛实际上就是家牛的一种,但是如果盖瑞蒂先生的方法可行,那么有一天,他的野牛将会被官方重新认可为野生野牛。

    Officially , the American buffalo is now a type of livestock . But one day , if Mr Gerrity gets his way , his buffalo will be declared wild animals again .

  24. 我国是牛肉生产大国,但牛肉嫩度较差,除了历史原因(牛作为一种使役工具)外,关键是对我国黄牛肉品质的系统研究较晚。

    China is one of the biggest nations in beef production , but beef tenderness is poor . This is mainly attributed to , except for labor-force purpose , the lack of a systematic research on beef tenderness .

  25. 有二十面体蛋白质外壳包含DNA能引起狗和牛疾病的一组病毒;还没发现与人类的人和疾病有关。

    Any of a group of viruses containing DNA in an icosahedral protein shell and causing disease in dogs and cattle ; not known to be associated with any human disease .

  26. 牛血浆中一种α1-糖蛋白的提纯和鉴定

    The purification and characterization of an α _1-glycoprotein from bovine plasma

  27. 牛结核病是一种人畜共患的慢性传染病。

    Bovine Tuberculosis is one of the chronic consumptive contagious infectious diseases .

  28. 坐牛是最后一个放下武器投降的。

    Sitting Bull was the last to give up his rifle and horse .

  29. 受伤的牛大吼一声。

    The wounded ox gave a great bellow .

  30. 牛逼是一种溢美之词,可能是汉语口语中夸人的最好说法了。

    Niubi is a term of approbation , perhaps the greatest such term in colloquialChinese .