
  • 网络care package
  1. 那你把爱心包裹寄出去了?

    So did you get the awesome care package yet ?

  2. 而且任何人都可以发送爱心包裹或预付费电话卡到前线,或者送出有时候却是最重要的礼物:简单的说一句“谢谢您!”

    And anybody can send a care package or pre-paid calling card to the front lines , or give what 's sometimes the most important gift of all : simply saying " thank you . "

  3. 当然,圣诞节期间必须做一批装有小男孩和小女孩形状的姜饼爱心包裹来分发。

    And of course , there must always be a generous batch of gingerbread boys and girls to distribute with care packages during Christmas .

  4. 他还会寄送装满巧克力的爱心包裹以及学术书籍,比如他知道受聘者感兴趣的统计和计算机科学方面的书籍。

    He also sends care packages filled with chocolate , as well as books on academic topics such as statistics and computer science that he knows the recruit is interested in .