
  • 网络eXtra;I DO;idall;Aidor
  1. 他是个拘谨的人,不爱多说话。

    He is very reserved . He does not say much .

  2. 看看爱多VCD和一些中外合资等显赫一时的民企,他们今安在?

    Love to see more Sino-foreign joint ventures , such as VCD and a number of prominent private enterprises of the time , in their current security ?

  3. 他从来不爱多说话,除非跟知已的朋友们谈谈。

    He never speaks much , unless among his intimate acquaintances .

  4. 她耳朵有点聋,因而爱多话。

    She was a little deaf , which rendered her talkative .

  5. 而是要珍惜现在,盼望未来。放手,就要担心少一些,所爱多一些。

    To let go is to fear less and to love more .

  6. 孩子们吃面包爱多抹黄油。

    The children eat piles of butter on their bread .

  7. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

    If equal affection cannot be , let the more loving be me .

  8. 彬格莱小姐告诉我,吉英说,他从来不爱多说话,除非跟知已的朋友们谈谈。

    Miss Bingley told me , said Jane , that he never speaks much unless among his intimate acquaintance .

  9. 对于我对阳光的爱多深,夏日有多长,他是否已心中有数?

    Does he have any idea as to the extent of my love for the Sunlight and that of the summers ?

  10. “彬格莱小姐告诉我,”吉英说,“他从来不爱多说话,除非跟知已的朋友们谈谈。他对待知已朋友非常和蔼可亲。”

    Miss Bingley told me , said Jane , that he never speaks much unless among his intimate acquaintance . With them he is remarkably agreeable .

  11. 我要对世界上有正义敢、爱和平有爱心的女孩们大声呐喊:没有爱多难过,没有爱让我怎么活?

    I have just dare the world , peace-loving and caring girl who shouted : there is no love more sad , let me how to live without love ?