
  1. 两个警察爱在一起?

    Two guys on the force having a love affair ?

  2. 例如红色,能与力量、生命力和爱联系在一起。

    Red , for example , is associated with strength , vitality and sensuality .

  3. 他们疯狂地把所有的爱和在一起的时间没有任何争吵。

    They are madly in love and spend all their time together without any bickering .

  4. 他们爱杂居在一起。

    They like living in a huddle .

  5. 微笑是与爱联系在一起的。

    Smile is deeply connected to Love .

  6. 中国人爱凝聚在一起。

    Chinese people love getting together .

  7. 假如我们的爱汇集在一起,便没有力量能够拆散,也不会死去。

    If our two loves be one , or thou and I.Love so alike that none do slacken , none can die .

  8. 成长在一个富有激情,乐于拥抱的意大利家庭,我感到很幸运。我把拥抱与更普遍的爱联系在一起。

    I feel fortunate to have grown up in a passionate , hugging Italian family . I associate hugging with a more universal kind of love .

  9. 让我们全体在一起,不分等级,没有仇恨,以兄弟般的爱连结在一起&向主祷告吧。娜塔莎想。

    As one community , all together without distinction of class , free from enmity , all united in brotherly love , let us pray , thought Natasha .

  10. 当你看到那栋房子,以及它那充满美妙情感的花园,你会理解她的艺术、生活与爱交织在一起,密不可分。

    When you see the house and the beautiful emotive space of the garden , you understand that the art , the love and the life are so intertwined .

  11. 谁先死去都是上帝的不公,假如我们的爱汇在一起,你我的爱是如此的紧密,没有力量能拆散也不会死亡。

    Whatever dies was not mixed equally ; If our two loves be one , or thou and I , Love so alike that none do slacken , none can die .

  12. Lovebubble指刚刚恋爱的那段时间,所有的工作、计划、与别人的交流以及生活中需要做的事情都被忽略,一心只想跟爱的人在一起,也就是我们所说的“热恋期”。

    Love bubble is the period of time immediately after falling in love when one 's obligations , plans , communication with others , and sometimes necessities become neglected due to the desire to spend time with the loved one .

  13. 很少人认为世界会终结,但我们可以利用它来花时间与我们爱的人在一起,一位武汉IT公司姓杜的CEO,他认为世界末日的一个狂欢的机会。

    Few people believe the world will end , but we can take advantage of it to spend time with our loved ones , said a Wuhan IT firm CEO surnamed Du , who considers doomsday a chance for revelry .

  14. 阿纳金∶也不能和我爱的人在一起。

    Anakin : Or be with the people that I love .

  15. 但是人们应当和他爱的人在一起。

    But people deserve to be with the PTH tey love .

  16. 真正意义能和你所爱的人在一起。

    It 's about being with the people that you love .

  17. 什麽是和不爱的事物在一起是苦?

    And what is the suffering of association with the unbeloved ?

  18. 如果我可以再和我爱的人们在一起,那么

    What if I can be with those who I loved again

  19. 圣诞节让你想和你爱的人在一起。

    Christmas makes you want to be with people you love .

  20. 我们被爱紧紧系在一起。

    We 're firmly bound by the power of love .

  21. 和你所爱的人在一起?

    Is it spending time with people you love ?

  22. 真正的爱,粘在一起后,是永生永世都分不开的。

    When the true love combines together , it will never be separated .

  23. 我爱与你在一起,爸爸。

    I love spending time with you , Dad .

  24. 常和你爱的人在一起。

    Spend time with the people you love .

  25. 谁不希望每时每刻都能和爱的人在一起。

    Who do not want to be with the loved one all the times .

  26. 我们因为爱而连接在一起,这与美国不是细微的差别。

    We are connected by love and there isn 't the slightest difference between us .

  27. 你不过是内心苦痛因为只有我可以跟自己所爱的人在一起

    You 're just bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love ,

  28. 使人最痛苦的两件事:不能和自己爱的人在一起还有就是你爱的人没有得到幸福!

    You can 't have the one you love and the one you love fails to reach happiness .

  29. 他们和自己已数月或更长时间未见的爱人们拥抱在一起。

    They huddled with their loved ones , whom they had not seen or touched in several months or longer .

  30. 记住:要多与自己所爱的人在一起,因为他们并不能永远和你在一起过日子。

    Remember , spend some time with your loved ones , because they are not going to be around forever .