
  • 网络Entropy Index;Entropy indices
  1. 本文讨论可逆Markov过程的几类指数收敛速度&谱隙,各种对数So-belev常数,B-S熵指数收敛速度之间的关系,并通过例子说明它们有着本质的差别。

    This paper studies the relations among some convergence rates-spectral gap , various logarithmic Sobolev constants and exponential convergence rate under B-S entropy for Markov process , and then points out their essential difference through some examples .

  2. 利用400GeV/cpp碰撞多粒子产生的实验数据计算了QCD分支过程的熵指数,得到了非零值,熵指数随末态粒子平均多重数的减小而增大。

    The entropy indices of QCD branching process are calculated from the data of 400GeV / c pp collisions . The nonzero values of entropy indices are obtained . The entropy indices are increased with decreasing average multiplicity 's of the final states .

  3. 存在伤害性刺激时(如气管插管),即使小剂量(0.03mg/kg)的维库溴铵也可降低脑电熵指数和BIS的升高幅度。

    Vecuronium even a relatively small dose ( 0.03 mg / kg ) can reduce the degree of increase in SE , RE and BIS values induced by noxious stimulation such as tracheal intubation .

  4. 通过运用蒙特卡罗方法,研究了熵指数对多重数分布的宽度和形状的依赖性,并和NA22实验结果作比较。

    The dependence of entropy index μ 2 on the width and shape of multiplicity distributions are studied in detail by using Monte Carlo method and comparing with the results from NA22 experiment .

  5. 水蒸汽的等熵指数与声速焓熵图

    An enthalpy-entropy diagram of steam with isentropic exponent and sound velocity

  6. 熵指数监测在骨科手术静吸复合麻醉中的应用

    Application of Entropy Monitoring During General Anaesthesia of Orthopedics Patient

  7. 应用熵指数监测颅内动脉瘤介入治疗麻醉深度

    The monitoring of anesthetic degree with entropy in interventional treatment of intracranial aneurysms

  8. 熵指数与双频谱指数监测在体外循环冠脉搭桥术中的应用研究

    Relationship between BIS and entropy values in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting

  9. 目的评价熵指数在全麻苏醒期监测患者意识状态的效能。

    Efficacy of spectral entropy in measurement of depth of anesthesia and noxious stimulation ;

  10. 最大熵指数模型的参数估计

    Parameter Estimation of Maximum Entropy Spectrum Exponential Model

  11. 用振动法测量气体的定熵指数

    Indices in renal failure measuring adiabatic constant of gas by means of oscillation method

  12. 脑电熵指数分析用于七氟烷麻醉的镇痛监测

    Application of electroencephalographic spectral entropy measurement in monitoring analgesic depth induced by sevoflurane anaesthesia

  13. 在较浅的麻醉状态下,熵指数对伤害性刺激有一定的预测性。

    In the lower depth of anesthesia , Entropy has certain predictability to nociceptive stimulus .

  14. 熵指数对多重数分布形状和宽度的依赖性的研究

    The Study of Dependence of Entropy Index on the Width and Shape of Multiplicity Distributions

  15. 异丙酚靶控输注下插管剂量的维库溴铵对熵指数的影响

    The Influence of an Intubation Dose of Vecuronium on Spectral Entropy during Propofol Target-controlled Infusion

  16. 我国港口外商直接投资差异的广义熵指数测度与分解

    Measuring and Decomposing of Foreign Direct Investment in China 's Ports Based on Generalized Entropy Index

  17. 肌松药对麻醉诱导意识消失期间熵指数的影响

    The Influence of a Muscle Relaxant Bolus on Entropy Values During Propofol Induced Loss of Consciousness

  18. 随着频谱熵指数的出现并应用于临床,熵指数正受到越来越多的关注。

    The entropy is attracting increasingly more attention with the emerge and clinical application of spectral entropy .

  19. 本文介绍了一种简单的利用简谐振动现象测量气体的定熵指数的方法。

    This paper presents a simple method for measuring gas adiabatic constant by use of simple harmonic oscillation .

  20. 脑电双频指数和熵指数监测老年患者麻醉深度的比较研究

    The Comparative Study of Entropy and Bispectral Indexes on Monitoring the Depth of Anaesthesia for the Elderly Patients

  21. 目的评价熵指数监测麻醉深度与反映伤害性刺激的效应。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of spectral entropy measurement in reflection of depth of anesthesia and noxious stimulation .

  22. 文章应用广义熵指数对我国1978~2003年的地区差距进行了测度与分解。

    This paper has used Generalized Entropy index to measure and decompose the regional inequality in China during the 19782003 period .

  23. 暴雨落在大气排熵指数负值中心或负值轴线附近区域;

    The placement of storm rainfall is always in the negative center of the remove entropy index or the area nearby its axes line .

  24. 同时回归分析中,本文不仅以熵指数为自变量做了连续性回归分析,而且考虑到多元化经营行业数离散性,本文对其做了相应的处理,从而做了相应的边际回归分析。

    This paper does regression analysis based on not only entropy but also number of segment of diversification , taking into account its diversified industries .

  25. 作者还应用热力学中的熵值判别法提出了煤层气体突出熵指数,作为判断煤层气体的突出倾向性。

    The author also applies the entropy discrimination of thermo-dynamics to outburst of coal-seam gases and presents " Outburst index of coal-seam gases " for predicting proneness of outburst .

  26. 通过计算重庆市主要行业的区位熵指数,研究重庆各行业在全国所处的地位,评价其产业集聚的静态状况。

    Study the standing of Chongqing in the entire country for each industry , evaluate static state of industry cluster for Chongqing , by calculating quotient of location for the main industies in Chongqing .

  27. 目的:研究脑电双频指数和熵指数在老年患者硬膜外复合丙泊酚靶控静脉全麻中麻醉深度监测的可行性、准确性,并比较其优越性。

    【 Objective 】 The research aims to compare the differences between entropy and bispectral indexes on monitoring the depth of anaesthesia for the elderly patients during the target-controlled infusion ( TCI ) of propofol general anesthesia .

  28. 本文讨论了对称扩散过程的指数可积性,熵的指数衰减性与Sobolev不等式之间的等价关系.并给出了对称扩散过程的对数Sobolev不等式成立的一个充分条件。

    We discuss the relations of exponential integrability , exponential decay of entropy and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities of symmetric diffusions and extend the results of [ 2,5 ] and give a sufficient condition under which the logarithmic Sobolev inequalities of symmetric diffusions holds .

  29. 导出最佳效率时的功率与等熵温比指数、效率与等熵温比指数的关系式,以及最佳面积比,进而得到最佳效率与功率关系。

    The optimal relations between power and isentropic temperature ratio exponent , and between efficiency and isentropic temperature ratio expo-nent are derived , by which the optimal relation curve between power and efficiency can be obtained .

  30. 利用熵流指数模型分析知:开采沉陷后排灌条件差、防护林防护范围小、地下水位埋深不理想是导致开采沉陷区土地生产力下降的主要原因。

    The poor conditions of drainage and irrigation , the small portion of defense area by net of farmland forestry , and the shallow level of phreatic water in subsided area are the primary factors to cause land productivity reduction by means of entropy exchange model .