
shāng chǎn shēng
  • entropy production
熵产生[shāng chǎn shēng]
  1. 但是Landauer对最小熵产生定理的批评是错误的。

    But landauer 's criticism about the theorem of minimum entropy production is wrong .

  2. 最小熵产生定理和定态的稳定性

    The theorem of minimum entropy production and stability of stationary states

  3. 由上原理出发,可分别得出最小作用量原理,哈密顿原理、费马原理、H定理和最小熵产生原理。

    From the generalized principle , we can derive Least-Action Principle , Hamiltion Principle , H Theorem , Least Entropy-produced Principle and so on .

  4. CO2增加与气候突变关系的研究&超熵产生在一维变系数扩散自组织模式中的应用

    On Relations Between Increase of CO 2 Concentration and Abrupt Climate Warming & Application of Excess Entropy Production Theory to One dimensional Nonlinear Self organized Climate Model with Varing Diffusion Coefficient

  5. 至今非平衡态热力学仅利用Onsager线性唯象关系证明了最小熵产生原理。

    Up to now , the principle of minimum entropy production has been demonstrated only using the Onsager linear phenomenological relation in the nonequilibrium state thermodynamics .

  6. 一类蓄热器的最小熵产生优化

    An Optimization of Minimum Entropy Generation of a Class of Accumulator

  7. 电路中的最小熵产生率原理

    The Principle of Minimum Rate for Entropy Production in Electric Circuit

  8. 超熵产生与海雾生消之初探

    The super entropy creation and genesis and dissipation of sea fog

  9. 熵产生率与特性函数变化率的等价性

    Equivalence of Entropy Production Rate and Thermal Characteristic Function Variation Rate

  10. 马尔可夫过程的熵产生率与不可逆性

    Reversibility and entropy production of Markov processes rate of re-nurture

  11. 微生物生长稳定性超熵产生判据

    Excess entropic production criterion for the stability of microorganism growth

  12. 最小熵产生定理与光学被动腔

    The theorem of minimum entropy production and passive optical cavities

  13. 多背压凝汽器;平均冷凝温度;熵产生数;优化;

    Multi-Pressure condenser ; Mean condensing temperature Number of entropy generation Optimization ;

  14. 熵产生、碰撞数和热核的形成过程

    Entropy Production , Collision Number and the Forming Process of Hot Nucleus

  15. 分析了优化级数对最小化熵产生的影响;

    The effect of optimum orders on minimum entropy generation was analysed .

  16. 一维不可逆导热系统的熵产生及其稳定性

    The Entropy Production and it 's Stability or One-Dimensional Irreversible Heat Conduction System

  17. 热传导的最小熵产生原理最小熵反褶积

    The principle of minimum entropy production for heat conduction

  18. 还应用于电网络理论中,对熵产生、熵流的意义给了具体的解释。

    A application in the electric networks is obtained .

  19. 熵产生与能量耗散

    The relation between entropy production and dissipation of energy

  20. 非平衡系统中的熵产生与能耗散函数

    Entropy production energy dissipation function in a non-equilibrium system

  21. 早期宇宙中的相变及熵产生

    Entropy generation and phase transitions in the early universe

  22. 论非平衡态热力学稳定性的超熵产生判据

    On the Excess Entropy Production Criterion of Thermodynamic Stability of Nonequilibrium Steady States

  23. 传热与流动系统熵产生的研究与进展

    Advances in the research on entropy generation in heat transfer and fluid flow systems

  24. 板成形过程的熵产生分析

    Analysis of Entropy Generation in Sheet Metal Forming

  25. 关于有限时间热力学的最小熵产生最大值原则

    The Application of the Maximum Principle of Minimum Entropy Production in Finite Time Thermodynamics

  26. 熵产生原理和耗散结构

    Principle of entropy & production and dissipative structures

  27. 多背压凝汽器熵产生的优化

    Entropy Generation Optimization of Multi Back Pressure Condensers

  28. 热交换器熵产生的评价

    The Entropy Generation Evaluation of Heat Exchanger

  29. 利用ε-NTU法计算换热器的传热熵产生数

    Calculation of Entropy Generation Number in Heat Exchanger by Means of ε - NTU Method

  30. 熵产生率公式及其应用

    On the formula for entropy production rate