
  • 网络circuit breaker;fuse mechanism
  1. 周二,证券交易管理委员会宣布了新的“熔断机制”(circuitbreaker)以支持有序交易。

    On Tuesday , the Securities and Exchange Commission announced new " circuit breakers " to support orderly trading .

  2. 为了阻止此类事件重演,美国证交会要求实行可以导致整个市场暂停交易的“熔断机制”。

    To prevent a repeat of the episode , the SEC demanded " circuit breakers " that can pause trading across the market .

  3. 熔断机制的目的是遏制交易价格异常波动。

    The circuit breaker mechanism aims to check abnormal prices wings .

  4. 国内证交所正考虑引入熔断机制,以防范资本市场发生非正常价格波动。

    Mainland bourses are contemplating1 the introduction of a circuit-breaker mechanism2 to arrest abnormal price swings on capital markets .

  5. 根据计划,如果市场涨跌波动达到5%和7%,将触发熔断机制。

    Circuit-breakers will be triggered off if the market fluctuates 5 percent and 7 percent , according to the plan .

  6. 什么是指数熔断机制?熔断机制是指股指下跌一定比例后,证券交易所采取暂停交易以避免恐慌性抛售的措施。

    The circuit-breaker mechanism refers to measures adopted by stock exchanges to temporarily halt trading to avert3 panic selling after the stock index has fallen a certain percentage .

  7. 早期版本的熔断机制,并不想人们预期的那样奏效。

    Earlier versions of these have not worked as expected .

  8. 只要存在合理的怀疑,就应该实施更多的控制,而不应局限于目前原始的熔断机制。

    As long as there is a reasonable doubt , there should be more controls than the current crude circuit breakers .

  9. 香港正在考虑推出有限的熔断机制,强制剧烈波动的股票有一段短暂的冷静期,此举得到了大多数主要券商的支持。

    Hong Kong is now considering introducing limited circuit breakers that impose a brief cooling off period for stocks that move sharply & a move backed by most major brokers .

  10. 有人指出,界定熔断机制在衍生品市场上会如何发挥作用并非易事,而以统一标准在全球实施就更加困难。

    Some pointed out that defining how circuit breakers might work in derivatives markets is no easy thing and it would be even harder to impose them across the world in any uniform scale .