- 网络Pandaren

Most Pandaren are not fond of strong drinks .
Pandaren society has changed from its origins .
They are peerless warriors and world class drinkers all in one !
When a pandaren drops down to all fours , his speed increases greatly .
A caste of wandering pandaren warriors called Brewmasters is highly respected in their culture .
However , if attacked , the laughing brewmasters bring all of their pandaren agility and ferocity to bear !
These mighty pandaren warriors oversee the armies of their empire and serve as feudal lords to the general population .
Oddly , the Brewmaster is sort of an oddity in Pandaren society , given his love for ale and spirits .
Hailing from the secretive Pandaren Empire , the mighty brewmasters travel the world in search of exotic ales and the finest brewed spirits .
In general , pandaren prefer to use the weapons they craft , feeling that their natural weapons hearken back to a primal time .
With the wardancers leading their armies , the pandaren carved out a small empire for themselves in the Stonetalon region of Kalimdor 's desolate Barrens .
Even the lowliest pandaren is capable of defending himself , using the fangs and stubby but needle-like claws that are a natural part of his body .
Now that war has engulfed Kalimdor once again , the mighty pandaren have come forth to protect their sacred lands and ensure their ancient race 's survival .
These affable warriors rarely seek out danger or trouble , preferring instead to spend their time concocting new and tasty beverages for any brave enough to imbibe them .
Pandaren are at heart a pacifist race , emphasizing the fine arts such as poetry and singing , although out of necessity they do have a warrior sect .
Pandaren who befriend either Horde or Alliance races will defend their companions against whatever threat , even members of the opposing side , but as a society they are totally neutral .
Where once the pandaren were a mighty empire , standing proud beside their night elf allies , now they are a simple people who want only peace and a safe home .
However , as the night elves'racial obsession with the forces of magic drove them to the brink of madness , the gentle pandaren decided to sever their ties and leave the night elves behind forever .
Pandas are friendly to people , but they are very shy and kind of lazy .
The birth of Ai Hin 's supposed cub and its progress in its early days , from its first cries to acquiring its distinctive black-and-white fur , were due to be broadcast online to panda lovers in China and worldwide .
Although dragons have been associated with China for thousands of years , the panda 's inclusion into the Chinese psyche is far more recent .
If a Chinese cannot understand why Swiss people get so upset that they are eating St Bernards , I would ask that same question : If Swiss people eat China 's panda , how would Chinese feel ?
For Kung Fu Panda , I am expecting more young people to come and join in .
This may account for their scarcity ; these pandas are on all official lists of endangered animals .
While pandas are often the main attractionat zoos , the adorable animals do not usually attempt to entertain visitors byplaying a musical instrument .
WoLong nature reserve is the largest ur of U.N. " man and the biosphere program of protect net " for pan < conservation in the world .
When Chinese audience watch Kung Fu Panda , they obviously enjoy it very much , but some of them also have a little thought : why Chinese can not make such a wonderful animated film ourselves ?
It is discussed that in detail for bamboo ′ s species , Habitat and distribution , and also for the number , habitat and distribution of giant panda .