
  • KUMAMOTO;Kumamoto University
  1. 上周四发生首次地震后,索尼暂停了熊本工厂的图像传感器生产,这种传感器被用于苹果(Apple)的iPhone和其他智能手机的摄像头上。

    Sony halted production of image sensors - which are used in Apple 's iPhones and other smartphone cameras - at its Kumamoto plant after the first quake on Thursday .

  2. 靠近震中的熊本市(Kumamotocity)拥有庞大的半导体工业,索尼(Sony)和本田(Honda)等制造商也在该地区建有工厂。

    Kumamoto city , close to the epicentre , has a large semiconductor industry , while manufacturers such as Sony and Honda also have factories in the region .

  3. 屹立于夕阳下的熊本城散发着古老的气息。

    Sitting under the light of the sunset , Kumamoto Castle has an ancient smell .

  4. 熊本牡蛎在潮间带的存活率达到65%,壳高平均增加3.99mm。

    Survival of Kumamoto oyster at intertidal area was 65 % , and their shell height increased 3.99 mm .

  5. 该公司在熊本的一处摩托车厂因为污水管道和照明系统受损而暂停运转,但该公司表示厂房建筑完好无损。

    It has suspended a motorcycle plant in Kumamoto due to damaged sewer pipes and lighting systems , but said the building remained intact .

  6. 该地区牡蛎由主要分布在潮间带的熊本牡蛎和主要分布在潮下带的近江牡蛎组成。

    There are two oyster species including the Kumamoto oyster which mainly inhabit at intertidal zones and Jinjiang oyster which is mainly found at subtidal zones .

  7. 这次地震瑞萨关闭了在熊本的工厂,不过该公司表示其工厂建筑的外部并未遭遇严重损坏,原因是此前该公司加强了该建筑的防震能力。

    This time Renesas stopped its plant in Kumamoto but said the building 's exterior was not heavily damaged after it strengthened the structure 's quake resistance .

  8. 日本熊本大学研究人员参与的这个国际小组由此推测,是不是艾滋病病毒发生了变异,因此能躲过人免疫系统的攻击。

    Japan Kumamoto University researchers involved in this international team thus speculated that happen are not the variability of HIV , so people can escape the immune system attacks .

  9. 在调查和分析了发生于日本熊本地区的一边坡破坏及其灾害的机理后,采用边坡三维稳定性分析推求了适应邻近区域边坡稳定性分析的物理力学参数;

    Based on the study of mechanism of a past landslide taken place in Kumamoto of Japan , this study firstly proposes the mechanical parameters for landslide hazard evaluating using a 3D slope stability method .

  10. 详细介绍釜石港大水深梯形沉箱防波堤、柴山港双层圆筒防波堤、宫崎港半圆型防波堤和熊本港的倒π型着底式防波堤。

    The deepwater trapezoidal caisson breakwater at Kamaishi , the dual cylinder caisson breakwater at Shibayama , the semi-circular breakwater at Miyazaki and the " inverse л type " breakwater at Kumamoto are introduced in detail .

  11. 熊本城动物福利中心就开始调查为什么人们把他们的猫狗处理掉,并会尝试说服他们不那么做。

    The Kumamoto City Animal Welfare Center is beginning to ask why people bring in their dogs and cats to be disposed of , and in many cases will try to talk them out of it .

  12. 1953年日本熊本县水俣湾发生了历史上首次重金属&汞污染重大事件,国际上立即对汞污染问题给予了高度重视,此后相关领域关于汞研究的成果也不断涌现。

    The pollution of mercury happened at Minamata Bay , Kumamoto town , Japan in 1953 was the first heavy metal pollution event in our history . Since then more attentions have been attracted on mercury pollution and new research findings about it have being emerged in related fields .