
zhào xiànɡ shī
  • photographer
  1. 我们会请照相师把你们快乐日子全程的每一个细节都拍录下来。

    We hire a photographer to videotape every detail of your happy day .

  2. 他站起身来,朝那混蛋下巴上猛揍一拳,照相师一溜了事。

    He got up and bashed the creep in the jaw , and the photographer fled .

  3. 当时,有位景区专职照相师正在场为游客照相,将这一奇观抓拍了下来。

    This mysterious scene was captured by a professional photographer who was taking the visitors ' photos .

  4. 凯儿:著名专业照相师,喜欢拍人和动物而已。

    Samantha : A famous professional photographer who only likes to take pictures of humans and animals .

  5. 不到两天,那个照相师就从这条街搬走了,再也没露面。

    Within two days , the photog had moved from the neighborhood and was never again seen .

  6. 典礼正在进行,他四下瞅瞅,一眼看到那个照相师,手拿一架照相机。

    During the ceremony , he glanced around and saw the photographer with a camera in his hand .

  7. 那个照相师要是想解释一下他的所作所为,没人会听他的。

    If the photog tried to explain why he did what he did , nobody would have cared .

  8. 照相师的街坊们对他卖下流画的勾当一无所知,因为他是在别的街区干的。

    The photographer 's neighbors didn 't know about his dirty-picture business because he sold them outside the neighborhood .

  9. 那年头比较纯朴,芝加哥有一名个体照相师,专营结婚照、周年纪念照、毕业照和其他家庭大事照。

    In simpler times , there lived a self-employed photographer in Chicago who worked weddings , anniversaries , graduations and other family events .

  10. 于是他父亲带上大个头儿子,提着棒球棍,跑到照相师家,把房门敲得砰砰响。

    And the father and his large son , carrying baseball bats , went to the photog 's home and banged on the door .

  11. 照相师把皮夹子大小的照片成批卖给他在工厂和酒馆里的熟人,这些人再卖给他们的熟人。

    The photographer would sell stacks of the wallet-size photos to guys he knew in factories and taverns , and they would sell them to guys they knew .

  12. 为庆祝贝斯丽的新生和与瑞警官特殊的情谊,诺威夫人为他俩组织了一场茶会,聘请了专业照相师来捕捉这一特别的时刻。

    To celebrate Bexley 's new lease on life and her special bond with Officer Ray , Mrs Norvell organized a tea party for the two buddies and hired a professional photographer to capture the special occasion .

  13. 这是一出独白剧,讲述的是一个照相馆的洗印师,在暗室中最后一天洗照片时的内心生活。

    This is a one-character play exposing the inner thoughts of a darkroom printer in his last workday in the darkroom of a photographic studio .

  14. 他从德国商人那里购买了一部手动摄像机和14盘胶卷,雇他照相馆里的照相师刘仲伦担任摄影师。

    He himself bought a manual camera and 14 sets of films from a German merchant and hired Liu Zhonglun who worked in his photo studio as his cameraman .