首页 / 词典 / good

  • warm;balmy
  • 温暖:春风和~。~妪(抚养,天地生养万物)。~暖。温~。

  • 恩惠:~~为仁。

  • 日出。


[书] (温暖) warm; balmy:

  • 春风和煦

    a balmy spring breeze

  1. 煦暖的气候将比目鱼引到了近海。

    Warm weather has attracted the flat fish close to shore

  2. 目的探讨煦少火注射液(XSH)对急性心肌梗死(AMI)犬的作用机理。

    Objective To explore the mechanism of XSH injection ( abbreviated for XSH ) in dogs of AMI .

  3. 影片的背景设定在上世纪20年代的法国蔚蓝海岸,整部影片浸淫在达赖厄斯・甘地(DariusKhondji)拍摄技术所营造的煦暖之中。

    The time is the 1920s and the setting is the C ô te d'Azur , basking in the gauzy warmth of Darius Khondji 's cinematography .

  4. 目的:探讨煦少火口服液(XSH)对心肌缺血血管内皮功能的调节机制。

    Objective : To explore the regulation mechanism of XSH to blood vessel endothelial function with myocardial ischemia .

  5. 欧拉数、戴煦数与齿排列的关系研究

    Research on the Relations Between Euler Numbers , Dai Xu Numbers and Gear Mutation

  6. 试析清末陶煦《租核》中的减租思想

    On the Idea of Reducing Rent for Land in Rent Verification by Tao Xu

  7. 戴煦数与欧拉数

    Dai Xu Numbers and Euler Numbers

  8. 煦少火胶囊对实验性动脉粥样硬化家兔游离钙和钙泵的影响

    Influence of " Xu Shao Huo Capsules " on Free Calcium and Calcium Pump in the Experimental Arteriosclerosis

  9. 派煦移动本期加权指数

    Moving current-weighted Paasche indexes

  10. 和风煦日:我刚学,但已爱上长笛。愿在这儿多交好朋友!

    Soft weather : I just started to learn flute but already love it , hope to know more friends here !

  11. 目的:为了探讨煦少火汤防治冠心病的作用机理,本课题组进行了实验研究和临床研究。

    Objective : in order to find the mechanism of Xushaohuo decoction , we made the experimental research and clinical research .

  12. 自由是一种可以永远流动的风景,如煦风般穿越厅堂,飘逸出清新明丽的居家格调。

    The freedom is a kind of scenery that can flow forever , crossing the hall as the breeze , which can perform the elegant and clear house style easily .

  13. 对欧拉数、戴煦数与齿排列的关系进行研究,揭示了欧拉数与戴煦数都是一对相辅相成、难解难分的函数,比伯努利数与欧拉数的关系更进一步;

    This paper reveals that Euler numbers and Dai Xu numbers are more relevant and inseparable function to each other when they are compared with Bernoulli numbers and Euler numbers .

  14. 雪,雹暴,北极风暴将代替英国早些时候的煦晴天,一股寒流将在接下来的日子穿越该地区。

    SNOW , hail storms and arctic gales are expected to replace Britain 's early taste of spring sunshine as the country braces for a cold snap over the next few days .

  15. 当微弱的星星还在天空闪烁时,蓝白色的海浪开始拍打着海岸,把晨煦的安静和祥和摔得粉碎。

    While tiny stars still adorned their Beauty , high tide threw waves of Blue and white crashing to shore , Breaking the silence of the earlier calm and serenity of the coast .

  16. 斐迪南福煦,法国军队中一位将军,他被人们赞誉具有最原始的和微妙的思想之一,他说:飞机是个好玩的玩具,但是毫无军用价值。

    Ferdinand Foch , a French army general credited with having one of the most original and subtle minds in the French army , said , Airplanes are interesting toys , but of no military value .

  17. 一个星期六,我和我的外办主任骑着自行车去参观一个学校。返回到我宿舍附近的大桥时我们停了下来,享受着薄暮煦风和那清新的空气。

    One Saturday , My FAO and I walked our bikes back from visiting a school , and when we got to the large-span bridge close to my apartment , we stopped and appreciated the dusk breeze and the fine air .

  18. 生存在这样的神灵之煦光下,才使人感到生存本身值得追求。对于荷马的英雄,真正的悲哀莫大于身死,尤其是早死。

    To exist in the clear sunlight of such deities was now felt to be the highest good , and the only real grief suffered by Homeric man was inspired by the thought of leaving that sunlight , especially when the departure seemed imminent .