首页 / 词典 / good

  • Cyanosis;dark purple;dark red
  • 红青,微带红的黑色:~青。~紫。~珠(喻能帮助记忆的事物)。

  1. 本厂专业生产普通剑道胯,T/C布绀,颜色有绀,白和黑色。做功精良,价格公道。欢迎选购。

    We manufacture and supply General T / C Hakama in navy blue , white and black color .

  2. 一抹绀色间以青紫色的霞光,返映着湖堤上雨后的碧柳。

    One day at sunset , violet and purple rays illuminated the emerald trailers of the weeping willows on the dyke .

  3. 天上绀色与青紫色的霞光,也越散越淡了。而太阳的光已大半沉在返映的水里。

    The violet and purple sunset rays were growing dimmer , the light of the sun having already more than half sunk in the reflecting water .

  4. 后索核纤绀经后角尖周围的白质下行,主要终止于同侧脊髓灰质Ⅳ、Ⅴ层。

    The fibers descend in the white matter around the tip of posterior horn and terminate in the Rexed 's laminae ⅳ and ⅴ of ipsilateral cord .

  5. 而这些海的跳跃着的金眼睛重重叠叠一排接一排,一排怒似一排,一排比一排浓溢着血色的赤,连到天边,成为绀金色的一抹。

    The sea 's golden eyes fall into ranks , each rank pursued by the next , each angrier than the last and deepening to blood-red as they stretch to the golden line of the horizon .
