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  • Enamel;keep out;evade;ward off;withstand
  • 挡,抵拒:~风。~寒。~饥。

  • 支吾,敷衍:~塞(sè)。

  • 均匀地涂上泥或涂料:~瓷。~炉子。

  • 同“镗”。


(抵挡) ward off; keep out; withstand:

  • 搪饥

    allay one's hunger;

  • 搪开一拳

    ward off a blow;

  • 搪住暴风雨

    withstand the storm


(搪塞) evade; stall sb. off:

  • 搪差事

    perform a duty perfunctorily;

  • 再搪几天

    delay for a few days; stall for several days


(往炉灶、瓷器上涂泥或涂料) daub (clay or paint):

  • 搪炉子

    line a stove with clay


(用镗床切削机器零件上已有的孔眼) bore:

  • 搪孔

    bore hole; boring

  1. 它是用铸铁制成,最后在外面搪了一层石墨。

    Made from cast iron , it is finished in graphite enamel .

  2. PLC和触摸屏在电热水器喷搪机中的应用

    The Application of PLC and Touch Screen in the Vitreous Enamel Spraying Machine

  3. 本模型整体结构采用PVC软搪塑制成。

    This model is made of soft PVC , with tube .

  4. 采用国际标准和先进的V法真空铸造技术,以及一流的钢板自动冲压、涂搪、电炉流水线生产。

    The company follows international standards , using advanced V process vacuum precision casting technology , automatic punching , pressing , enameling line and electric furnace for production .

  5. 方法用专家-参考文献法、BAYES统计推断法、专家-测量资料法分别估算了某橡胶厂搪浆车间、成型车间空气中苯的浓度。

    Methods Expert-reference , BAYES statistics and expert-measurement were separately used to estimate benzene concentration in a slurry-applying workshop and modeling workshop of a rubber factory .

  6. 通过优化釉料配方和搪烧工艺,制得了电性能、导热性能和机械性能良好,且可修复,成本低的搪瓷材料,该材料适合作为大尺度DBD氧等离子体源用电介质材料。

    This material , which is of low cost and reparable , fits into the requirements for large scale DBD oxygen plasma source .

  7. 来自世界各地的搪瓷釉供应商和终端用户已于2003年5月12日-15日会聚在田纳西州的纳什维尔市,参加由搪瓷釉协会(PEI)举办的第65届技术研讨会。

    Porcelain enamel suppliers and end users from around the world will gather in Nashville , Tenn. , May12-15,2003 , for the65th PEI Technical Forum , hosted by the Porcelain Enamel Institute ( PEI ) .

  8. 结果专家-参考文献法、BAYES统计推断法、专家-测量资料法的对搪浆车间苯浓度评估的几何均数分别为100.0、16.9、33.2mg/m3,成型车间分别为100、156、115mg/m3。

    Comparing three methods of estimating concentration of worksite benzene Results The estimated averages of expert-reference , BAYES statistics and expert-measurement were 100.0,16.9,33.2 mg / m3 respectively for the slurry-applying workshop and 100,156,115 mg / m3 for the modeling workshop .

  9. 提示糖耐量减低和2型搪尿病患者在饮食中可适当降低SFA,增加PUFA,从而改善胰岛素抵抗。

    There are closed relation with SFA , PUFA / SFA and IR . The patients of DM and IGT can reasonably decrease SFA and increase PUFA in dietary to improve insulin sensitivity .

  10. 已在5L搪玻璃釜中,成功进行了27次放大实验,验证了小试结果,并已在工业化规模生产中成功应用。

    The result of the small scale test was verified by the successful enlarging test 27 times in the glass lining vessel , and it had been applied in the industrialization successfully .

  11. 利用土壤相对含水量、叶片相对含水量、脯氨酸、可溶性搪、可溶性蛋白、SOD活性、MDA、相对电导率这8个生理生化指标,鉴定了在梯度性水分胁迫处理下3种香蕉苗的抗旱性。

    Eight physiological and biochemical indicators , relative water content of soil , relative water content of leaves , proline , soluble sugar , soluble protein , SOD activity , MDA and relative conductivity , were used to identify the drought resistance of seedlings in the gradient of water stress .

  12. 辐射管搪烧炉传热数学模型研究

    Mathematical Model of Heat Transfer in Batch type Radiant-tube Enameling Furnace

  13. GB/T7991-1987搪玻璃层的厚度测量电磁法

    Method for measuring the thickness of glass-lined layer by electromagnetic meter

  14. 搪烧炉圈墙火道内的换热分析

    Analysis of heat exchange in the side-wall flue of enamelling furnace

  15. 一次搪彩色铸铁瓷釉的研制

    Development of Direct - on Coloured Enamel for Cast - iron

  16. 奥氏体不锈钢搪玻璃反应釜的研制和应用

    Study and Application of Austenitic Stainless Steel Glass Line Reactor Kettle

  17. 严禁在设备的搪玻璃壁外直接焊接。

    No direct welding out of the glass-lined walls are allowed .

  18. 搪玻璃聚四氟乙烯组合盘管冷凝器

    Build-up spiral pipe condenser made of glass lining and teflon

  19. 大型搪玻璃设备搪烧工艺制度的研究

    Study on Firing System of Large Glass Lined Equipment ART OF GLASS

  20. 我国搪玻璃设备制造行业现状及分析

    The Status Quo and Analysis of Our Glass Lining Equipment Manufacture Industry

  21. 本体和悬浮聚氯乙烯搪塑粉的熔融性能

    Fusion Behavior of Mass PVC and Suspension PVC Slush Powder

  22. 全电熔炉熔制搪玻璃釉工艺

    Process of Melting Glass - Lining by All - Electric Melting Furnace

  23. 搪玻璃搅拌釜新型档板设计及应用

    New type baffle design and application of glass lined steel agitating vessel

  24. 装配车间配有先进的母线加工机和母线搪锡设备。

    Configuration workshop has advanced bus processing machine and Lining tin equipment .

  25. 搪玻璃设备卡子标准修订的几点意见

    Some Opinions for The Standard of Clip on Glass Lining Clamp Screw

  26. 硅酮胶在搪玻璃设备胶补中的应用

    Application of Silicone Rubber in Gluing Glass Lining Equipment

  27. 搪玻璃容器壁厚经验公式的探讨

    A Discussion on the Experiential Formula of the Wall Thickness of Glass-Lined Vessels

  28. 搪玻璃设备传热数值分析

    A Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer of Glass-Lined Equipment

  29. 回答只能笑来搪;

    The answer is just smile to reply it ;

  30. 本公司拥有高压搪玻璃水解罐。

    The company has high-pressure tank Tang Boli hydrolysis .