
  • 网络focus perspective;focus-attention
  1. 三远是中国画表现时空的独特手法,它与西方绘画的焦点透视理论有本质的差别;

    Three Farsis the unique technique of Chinese painting in expressing space time . It is essentially different from the Focus Perspective Theory of western painting .

  2. 对视觉空间的新发现彻底颠覆了古典主义的焦点透视主宰的局面。

    The new findings of visual space overturned thoroughly classical focus perspective .

  3. 焦点透视:深圳地王拍卖港商何以按兵不动?

    Focus Lens : Shenzhen to Hong Kong businessmen can bide one 's time Wang auction ?

  4. 焦点透视是研究物体近大远小规律的科学。

    The focal perspective is a science that studies the law that the object is big when near and small when far .

  5. 文艺复兴发展出的焦点透视法、解剖学和明暗法则,把世界确定为与身体相对立的物质世界。

    Focus perspective , Anatomy and Shading Rules evolved in Renaissance Period defined the world as a material one in the opposition to the body .

  6. 西方焦点透视的空间表现方式受到东方的意境式的散点透视的影响,开始了更接近绘画本质的二维空间的探索。

    Western Focus Lens space expressions of the mood by Oriental-style perspective the impact of scatter , and began drawing closer to two-dimensional nature of space exploration .

  7. 这一章主要通过对等距离散点透视法在山东画像石构图中的运用进行研究,并与个别存在的焦点透视法比较研究。

    This chapter mainly through isometric discrete point perspective in the application of Shandong stone composition with individual existence , and the focus of comparative study of perspective .

  8. 西方现代绘画以形式上的主观构成代替了传统的焦点透视,追求一种有意味的形式。

    The western and modern painting replaced the traditional focus perspective with the subjective composing of the form , pursuing " a kind of form that have intention to the flavor " .

  9. 他彻底抛弃了焦点透视引导三维空间画面的老套路,毫无顾忌的运用了多点透视方法,创作出了新的绘画空间。

    He completely abandoned the perspective to guide the focus of three-dimensional picture of the old routine with no scruples in using a multi-point perspective method , and created a new painting space .

  10. 画面具有焦点透视的写实感,运用明暗和造型突出主体,色调的倾向性形成画面的意境并烘托主题。

    Images focus generally realistic sense of perspective , the use of light and shade , and highlight the main shape , tendency to form a color picture of the mood and contrast themes .

  11. 在对中国绘画中透视与审美关系的分析、近现代水墨审美趣味的改变、及对近现代艺术家探索与成果做整体梳理和讨论,总结焦点透视在近现代水墨演进中的重要作用。

    In the analysis of the relationship of Chinese painting in perspective and aesthetic , the Modern Ink aesthetic taste change , and overall combing and discussion of modern artists to explore and achievements , summarize Focus Lens in Modern Ink evolution an important role .

  12. 第二,月光意象表现了作者创作的新的精神向度以及对社会焦点的理性透视,既有对生命悲剧及其命运的揭示,也有对苦难的别样叙述,以及辛酸爱情中的真情体现。

    Secondly , the moonlight image represents a new spiritual dimension of the writer and her rational perspective on the focus of the society , including the revelation to life tragedies and destiny , the narration of sufferings and the sincere feelings in the bitterness of love .