
  • 网络Heat fade;thermal decay
  1. 虽然安装有ABS的汽车能有效地防止车轮抱死、缩短制动距离,但对于因频繁制动或者下长坡制动而引起的热衰退现象并未得到改善。

    Although the car fitted with ABS can prevent wheels from locking and shorten the braking distance effectively , but the sign of heat fade caused by frequent braking or continous downhill road braking is not improved .

  2. 车辆制动系统热衰退是引发山区交通事故的一个重要原因。

    The heat fade of Vehicles braking system is an important reason .

  3. 制动器摩擦材料的热衰退现象研究

    Study to the Thermal Fading of the Friction Material in the Brake

  4. 制动器热衰退机理的研究与分析

    Research and Discussion on Mechanism of Brake Heat Fading Caused by Friction Materials

  5. 树脂粘结剂的含量大于15%时,材料发生热衰退现象。

    And when more than 15 % , the friction materials begin to decay at high temperatures .

  6. Ti/Pd/Ag电极太阳电池的热衰退模型和可靠性研究

    A research for thermal failure model and reliability of solar cell with ti / pd / ag electrodes

  7. 在影响道路交通安全的诸多因素之中,车辆制动效能热衰退是引发交通事故的一个重要原因。

    Among the factors which influence traffic safety , the heat fade of drum brake is a important one .

  8. 从而断定摩擦片中的有机组分正是造成热衰退的关键所在,进而提出了摩擦材料的相关改进方案以提高制动器的抗热衰退性能。

    Some schemes of modifying friction materials have been put forward to upgrade the performance of heat fading resistance .

  9. 盘式制动器在制动时,制动盘直接与空气接触,又有很大的散热面积,不易发生热衰退现象,具有抗热衰退和热衰退恢复特性,特别适用于高速运动型摩托车;

    When braking , the disk directly contacting with air and having a larger heat dissipation area produces less heat fade .

  10. 同时对比了不同冷却装置的用水量,介绍了其他防止制动器热衰退的工程措施,为冷却装置的深入研究提供了参考。

    Also , other measures to prevent heat recession were introduced in this thesis as references for depth on other cooling device .

  11. 本文研究了制动衬片摩擦性能&热衰退性能、速度和压力相关性对轻型货车鼓式制动器前后制动力之比的影响及其规律。

    In this paper , the influence of friction charateristic of brake linings on braking force distribution of light truck are analysed and discussed ;

  12. 结果表明:半金属摩擦片的摩擦因数在0.362~0.392之间,变化平稳,在250℃以上高温热衰退少;

    The friction coefficient of the developed material is between 0.362 ~ 0.392 with good stability and low degradation at more than 250 ℃ .

  13. 汽车在长大下坡路段行驶时,车辆制动系统热衰退是引发山区交通事故的一个重要原因。

    While traveling on long downhill mountains , The hot recession of braking system of Vehicle is an important cause of traffic accidents in mountain .

  14. 偶联剂表面改性无机纤维或填料可以有效地改善树脂基摩擦材料的摩擦磨损性能,降低热衰退。

    Coupling agent surface modification of inorganic fibers or filler can effectively improve the friction and wear properties of polymer matrix friction materials , and lower the heat recession .

  15. 纳米铜可改善摩擦材料的摩擦磨损性能,尤其在高温下可使摩擦材料的热衰退明显减轻,磨损率显著下降。

    The tribological properties of friction materials can be improved by adding the nano-particles , and the heat fade and wear rate can be remarkablely lowered , especially at high temperature .

  16. 对不同材料的摩擦片的观察结果进行对比,发现热衰退产生的强弱程度与材料的成分与配方有密切关系。

    In comparison with the experimental results of the two types of friction materials , we find that the intensity of heat fading is greatly related to the component of brake lining .

  17. 当树脂含量为20%时,在高转速、高比压条件下,没有出现明显的热衰退现象,摩擦材料的摩擦磨损性能较为理想。

    When the resin content is 20 % , the friction material shows ideal friction and wear performance and without remarkable heat attenuation under the condition of higher rotating speed and higher specific pressure .

  18. 以实际制动器的设计参数作为初始方案,采用改进的差分进化算法进行优化设计,在保持热衰退率和热恢复率性能不劣化的情况下,制动器的制动性能和经济性能得到显著提高。

    An optimization case is presented , which takes actual brake parameters as original scheme and an improved differential evolution algorithm is applied , great improvement on brake technique function and cost are achieved with heat resistance and hot recovery maintenance .

  19. 结果表明,采用三组份酚醛树脂和混杂纤维可以制备出摩擦性能良好,350℃不发生热衰退的离合器摩擦材料,且材料具有合适的孔隙率。

    It is showed that by using the phenolic resin and the fiber , the clutch friction materials could be manufactured with good properties such as stable friction coefficient , low wear rate , high fade resistance at 350 ℃, and suitable porosity .

  20. 所研制的摩阻材料完全满足载重汽车制动性能的要求,具有足够的机械性能和优越的摩擦磨损性能,热衰退小、恢复性能好,耐磨损、噪声小。

    Developed by the friction material to fully meet the heavy vehicle braking performance requirements , have sufficient mechanical properties of the friction and wear and superior performance , small thermal recession , good recovery performance , and resistant to wear and low noise .

  21. 科技的进步推动了汽车速度的不断提高,汽车提速会引起刹车片的高温热衰退问题,改善热衰退性能已经成为刹车片研究的主要方向。

    The progress of science and technology promote the car speed to increase , and motor speed can cause brake pads high temperature heat recession , so improving performance of the heat recession has become the main direction of the research of brake pads .

  22. 本文介绍了非石棉摩擦材料的国内外发展趋势、研究现状、性能测试方法和评价标准,对非石棉摩擦材料的摩擦机理、磨损机理、热衰退和热龟裂等机理进行了系列分析。

    This paper reviews domestic and overseas developments of the non-asbestos friction material , as well as the testing methods and evaluation standards . Some mechanism , such as friction mechanism , wearing mechanism , heat decline mechanism , and heat chap mechanism are series analyzed .

  23. 纳米铜改性酚醛树脂基摩擦材料的韧性和摩擦学性能有明显改善,与纯酚醛树脂基摩擦材料相比,冲击强度提高44%,热衰退率和磨损率分别降低约50%和2/3。

    The toughness and tribological properties of the modified PF could be distinctly improved . Compared with those of the pure PF , the impact strength increases by 44 % , the heat-fade rate and wear rate reduce by 50 % and 2 / 3 , respectively .

  24. 保持制动性能稳定对车辆的行驶安全至关重要。许多重型载货汽车和一些需要在山区等特殊路段行驶的车辆,在使用鼓式制动器进行制动时很容易发生制动器热衰退现象。

    It is of great importance to maintain braking performance of a vehicle , especially for heavy-duty vehicles and others traveled in the mountain areas . Because of the widely used of drum brakes in their braking system , brake thermal recession is very likely to take place .

  25. 本文在对鼓式制动器热衰退现象产生的机理和原因进行分析后认为,有必要提出一种实用、准确的鼓式制动器温升计算方法,为进一步研究鼓式制动器热衰退预防措施提供依据。

    After analyzing the principle and reason of heat fade of drum brake , it is necessary to improve a practical and accurate calculating method to figure out the rise of the drum brake temperature , which will be useful to further study on the preventive measures for heat fade .