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  • 网络Hot basin;Hot dish;heat basin
  1. 异常压力是高压盆地天然气运移的主要动力,地热对热盆天然气的运移具有一定的影响;

    Abnormal high pressure is the drive force in high pressure basin , and thermal flow also shows some influence ;

  2. 研究结果表明:南阳断陷盆地为热盆,南阳市位于热盆的边缘。

    Nanyang broken basin can be named as " hot basin " and Nanyang City is located in the northern " hot basin " .

  3. 其实别墅比较一般,只是一座拉毛粉饰的现代小别墅,铺有石头的花园里有些热,石盆中的鱼儿无精打采,狄安娜和猎犬的雕像倚墙而立。

    It was not much of a place , a small , modernized , stucco villa , with a hot pebbly garden , and in it a stone basin with torpid gold-fish , and a statue of Diana and her hounds against the wall .

  4. 研究表明,震旦纪至现今的热演化可分为四个阶段:即震旦纪一奥陶纪高热流(热盆)热演化阶段;

    It is indicated that the thermal evolution from Sinian to the current in Tarim Basin can be divided into four stages . ( 1 ) High heat flow ( hot basin ) thermal evolution from Sinian to Ordovician ;