
rè sǐ
  • heat death
  1. 热死佯谬的一种数学证明

    A mathematics ' demonstration of heat death falsehood

  2. 我们所能想象的终极状态就是熵值的最大化,那时将根本不存在任何活动。这种状态就叫做“热死”。

    The envisaged final state of maximum entropy , where there will be no activity at all , is termed heat death .

  3. 我们坐在太阳底下晒得热死了。

    We sat baking in the sun .

  4. “这里热死了,”米里亚姆抱怨道。

    ' It 's boiling in here , ' complained Miriam

  5. 如果把窗户关上,你会热死的。

    If you closed the windows you baked

  6. 早立秋凉飕飕,晚立秋热死牛。

    If autumn arrives early , it will be cool ; otherwise it will be hot .

  7. 很久很久以前,天空中有十颗太阳,土地上许多农作物和人民都被热死了。

    Once upon a time , 10 suns rose in the sky , scorching1 many crops and people to death .

  8. 我一定不能成为第一个热死的人!

    Google : I will certainly not become a dead heat !

  9. 天啊,我热死了。我需要新鲜空气。

    God , I 'm so hot . I need air .

  10. 必须得走吗外面热死了

    Do we have to ? It 's so hot outside .

  11. 现在天气完全不正常。热死了!

    The weather now is totally abnormal . it 's so hot !

  12. 热死了,我们去游泳吧。

    I 'm burning up . Let 's go swimming .

  13. 终于晴天了,却又热死了。

    Finally the sun comes back , but toooooo hot .

  14. 要是穿单薄一点多好&我热死了。

    I wish I 'd worn something cooler-i 'm boiling .

  15. 小心,热气腾腾,天啊,热死了

    Look out , very hot ! Man , it 's hot .

  16. 真把我热死了。

    It 's really so hot I could die .

  17. 外面我都快热死了!

    Out here I 'm dying of the heat !

  18. 兄弟,热死我了!

    This damn heat is killing me .

  19. 他们这样早晚先把自己给热死。

    They 'll wear themselves out eventually .

  20. 热死我了。

    The heat is killing me .

  21. 因为我在这里要热死了。

    Because I am dying here .

  22. 天啊,这里热死了,得有90多度吧

    My god , it 's so hot up in here . It 's like 200 degrees .

  23. “我都快要热死了!”她的弟弟从楼下大厅传来的吼声。

    " I 'm about to die from this heat . " her brother hollers down the hall .

  24. 结果表明:假单胞菌、乳酸菌、热死环丝菌和肠杆菌是构成冷却羊肉初始菌相的主要微生物;

    The results showed : Pseudomonas , Lactobacillus , Brochothix thermosphacta and the main microorganisms in the chilled mutton ;

  25. 两个小黑人坐在太阳下,一个热死只剩下一个。

    Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun One got frizzled up , and then there was one .

  26. 真的吗?害我里面还塞了一堆暖暖包,热死我了。

    Joe : Really ? I have a couple of hot packs stuffed in there too . I 'm burning up !

  27. 今年夏天,印度南部的泰伦加纳邦和安得拉邦已经有数十人被热死。

    This summer , the heatwave has claimed dozens of lives in the south Indian states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh .

  28. 这个集装箱到不了目的地别担心你们多半淹死前就先被热死了我们走

    This container never reaches its destination . Don 't worry . You 'll probably die of heat stroke before you drown . Let 's go .

  29. 现在怎么办你朋友说热死可不是扯蛋我们无路可逃

    What now ? I think your friend wasn 't kidding about the heat stroke . There 's no way we can bust out of here .

  30. 也要在那些出现旱灾的地方,输送大量甘甜的泉水,让可怜的人们不在渴死、热死;

    Also must appear the drought in these the place , the transportation massive sweet water seepage , lets the pitiful people not die of thirst , die hotly ;