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liè huǒ
  • blaze;raging fire;raging flames
烈火 [liè huǒ]
  • [raging flames] 猛烈的火

  • 烈火越烧越旺

烈火[liè huǒ]
  1. 牧师怎么能这么残忍让这个年青美丽的女人走入烈火啊!

    How can this priest be so cruel as to force this tender young lady into a raging fire !

  2. 调查和分析结果表明,此次塌陷事故有三个方面的原因:①油罐投产前曾受过烈火灼烤,其材料性能发生变化,抗弯刚度降低;

    The investigative and analytical results show that there are three main causes for the rupture accident : ( 1 ) the tank suffered from a raging fire before commissioning , which made the material performance change and made bending rigidity reduce ;

  3. 从化工厂熊熊烈火中泄漏出团团有毒气体。

    Clouds of toxic fumes escaped in a huge chemical factory blaze .

  4. 熊熊烈火灼裂了玻璃窗,碎玻璃飞溅到了下面的街道上。

    The intensity of the blaze shattered windows , spraying glass on the streets below

  5. 他走近时发现前面是一道烈火熊熊的巨大火墙。

    As he came closer he saw a gigantic wall of raging flame before him .

  6. 那些勇敢的消防员正在与烈火搏斗。

    Those brave firefighters are battling the flames .

  7. 钢架在烈火的高温下开始变形。

    The steel frame began to buckle under the intense heat of the fire .

  8. 烈火炼真金。

    Pure gold is tempered in a blazing fire .

  9. 疾风知劲草,烈火见真金。

    Sturdy grass withstands high wind ; true gold stands the test of fire .

  10. 革命的烈火在燃烧。

    The flames of revolution are raging .

  11. 战士们迎着烈火前进。

    The soldiers came on in the face of heavy fire .

  12. 革命的烈火愈烧愈旺。

    The revolutionary struggle is getting more and more intense .

  13. 消防员与烈火斗争以控制火势。

    The fireman battled to control the flames .

  14. 每条小狗都很生动,每只鸽子都很乖巧。每个早晨都要这样,虽然我已经不同以往,总是幻想奇遇,总是渴望付出烈火般的激情,又总是被乖戾的现实玩耍,被今天这难得的天气从狂热中唤醒。

    Every morning I do the same thing , although I am now different from before , always dreaming of unusual encounters and always wishing to inspire fervent from fanatical visions by such unusual weather , like today .

  15. 去年试射的烈火III型导弹能够搭载核弹头,并能更加深入亚洲腹地。

    The Agni-III tested last year can carry nuclear warheads deeper into Asia .

  16. n.火焰,烈火;光辉我把一些木柴放在火中,很快就成了熊熊烈火。

    blaze I put some wood on the fire and it soon burst into a blaze .

  17. 印度正在尝试与中国发展较好的关系,而且印度的外交官赞成取消烈火III计划。

    India is trying to develop better relations with China , and Indian diplomats argued for the cancellation of the Agni III project .

  18. 以及两部在Netflix大肆宣传的影片《发生什么了,西蒙妮小姐?》(WhatHappened,MissSimone?)和《凛冬烈火:乌克兰为自由而战》(WinteronFire:Ukraine’sFightforFreedom)。

    and a pair of heavily campaigned Netflix films , " What Happened , Miss Simone ? " and " Winter on Fire : Ukraine 's Fight for Freedom . "

  19. 还有几个决定音乐是否适合用于健身的因素是,激励性的音调和歌词&想象一下《烈火战车》(ChariotsofFire)配上人们在海滩奔跑的画面。

    Other qualities that make music ideal for workouts are motivational sounds and lyrics & think the theme from ' Chariots of Fire ' with its associated image of men running on the beach .

  20. 还有几个决定音乐是否适合用于健身的因素是,激励性的音调和歌词——想象一下《烈火战车》(ChariotsofFire)配上人们在海滩奔跑的画面。

    Other qualities that make music ideal for workouts are motivational sounds and lyrics -- think the theme from ' Chariots of Fire ' with its associated image of men running on the beach .

  21. 印度国防部一名官员说,烈火五型(AgniV)洲际弹道导弹预计将于周三下午晚些时候从东部奥里萨邦(Orissa)海岸外的惠勒岛(WheelerIsland)发射。

    Agni V , an intercontinental ballistic missile , is set to be launched from Wheeler Island , off the coast of the eastern state of Orissa , in the late afternoon , according to a defense ministry official .

  22. 熊熊烈火以它的光焰警告我远离它。

    The flaming fire warns me off by its own glow .

  23. 就像你体内有熊熊烈火一样。

    A vibe like you 've got a fire inside you .

  24. 让烦恼的铁拳把烈火捶进我的生命。

    Let hard blows of trouble strike fire into my life .

  25. 我卑微的灵魂并没有在烈火中得到永生。

    My humble soul has not been immortalized in the fire .

  26. 烈火见真金,患难见真情。

    Fire is the test of gold , adversity of friendship .

  27. 他勇敢地冲进烈火熊熊的屋子去救那个婴孩

    He bravely go into the burning house to rescue the baby

  28. 此刻驱使他的是吞噬一切的烈火。

    It was a dissolving fire which was actuating him now .

  29. 钢是在烈火中燃烧,冰水中冷却而形成的。

    Burn it in blazing fire , cool it in freezing cold .

  30. 不成功的管理者;象在烈火中一只无力的凤凰。

    An ineffectual ruler ; like an unable phoenix in hot ashes .