
  • 网络Liu Xiaoqing;blog
  1. 刘晓庆是一个著名的电影明星。

    Liu Xiaoqing is a famous film star .

  2. 这就是刘晓庆,身处娱乐江湖,一动就是微波大澜。

    This is Liu Xiaoqing , live entertainment arena , a move that is microwave Large-lan .

  3. 今年55岁的刘晓庆是中国电影业最知名的演员之一。

    Liu , 55 , is one of the best-known actresses in the country 's film industry .

  4. 刘晓庆被拘押了420天,并被勒令补缴近300万美元的税款。

    Ms Liu was detained for 420 days and was ordered to pay nearly $ 3m in back taxes .

  5. 刘晓庆在19世纪80年代成为中国最出名的女演员之一,并在最近几年成功复出。

    Liu was one of the leading actresses in China in the 1980s and made a successful comeback in recent years .

  6. 刘晓庆曾被称作是“亿万富姐”,直到她2002年在一场沸沸扬扬的偷税调查中被捕。

    She was known as the " billionaire actress " until she was arrested in 2002 in a high-profile investigation into alleged tax evasion .

  7. 刘晓庆是第一批成为目标的新超级富豪之一,她是上世纪80年代一位著名女演员,后来投身房地产行业。

    One of the first of the new super-rich to be targeted was Liu Xiaoqing , a prominent actress in the 1980s who then moved into real estate .

  8. 除此之外,据传最贵的保姆车要数陈道明和刘晓庆使用的房车,价值100万以上。

    Besides , as it is said the house car that the most expensive baby-sitter car wants to count Chen Daoming and Liu Xiaoqing to use , value 1 million above .