
dùn cài
  • stew
  • stewed food
  1. 米饭伴以汤羹或炖菜。

    The rice is accompanied by a soup or a soupy stew .

  2. 他们做了一道炖菜。

    They made a stew .

  3. 干邑白兰地也用于浸渍食材,给砂锅炖菜提味。

    Cognac is also used to macerate and flavour ingredients and casseroles

  4. 他舀了一匙炖菜吃了。

    He took a spoonful of the stew and ate it .

  5. 一天,他带着一篮子蔬菜,宣布要做炖菜。

    One day , armed with a basket of vegetables , he announced he was going to make stew .

  6. 他的第一段视频“土司煮蛋”于2010年1月在YouTube公开,接着是“炖菜”。

    His first video ' poached egg on toast ' was posted on YouTube in January 2010 and was soon followed by ' ratatouille ' .

  7. 然后,为了完美起见,又来了一碗fulmedames一种源自埃及的早餐豆类炖菜,它直接从铜罐中倒出来,配以薄荷、还有几片大蒜。

    Then , just to round matters off , a bowl of ful medames , the breakfast bean stew that originates from Egypt , served straight from a copper pot with fresh mint and slices of garlic on the side .

  8. 于是她把炖菜的碗摆好凉上准备当晚饭。

    She set out bowls of stew to cool for supper .

  9. 含树脂的叶子,用于炖菜、馅和肉块中。

    Resinous leaves used in stews and stuffings and meat loaf .

  10. 人们吃很多的炖菜,汤和杂烩。

    People ate a lot of stews , soups , and chowders .

  11. 炖菜的时候要用泡菜的。

    When we 're making stew , we need kimchi .

  12. 我买了一些切成丁的羊肉做炖菜。

    I bought some diced lamb to make a stew .

  13. 蔬菜和(有时)肉做成的炖菜。

    A stew of vegetables and ( sometimes ) meat .

  14. 炖菜和填充类菜肴是马耳他食物的主要特点。

    Stewed and stuffed dishes are a central feature of Maltese cuisine .

  15. 我往炖菜里加了些土豆,使它量更足。

    I added some potatoes to the stew to bulk it out .

  16. 热上炖菜,我们吃晚饭。

    Heat the stew and we 'll have supper .

  17. 用秋葵荚增稠的汤或炖菜。

    A soup or stew thickened with okra pods .

  18. 我用烤箱做焙盘炖菜好吗?

    Shall I do the casserole in the oven ?

  19. 肉和蔬菜做成的炖菜(或浓汤)。

    A stew ( or thick soup ) made with meat and vegetables .

  20. 相信我,那里有全世界最好吃的素炖菜。

    I 'm telling you , it serves the best vegan stew anywhere .

  21. 我想炖菜里的这些美味的小块是某种贝类的肉。

    I think these nice bits in the stew are some kind of shellfish .

  22. 肉和蔬菜做成的稀炖菜。

    A thin stew of meat and vegetables .

  23. 海员常吃的肉、蔬菜和硬面饼做成的炖菜。

    A stew of meat and vegetables and hardtack that is eaten by sailors .

  24. 传统的法国炖菜,由蔬菜和牛肉做成。

    Traditional French stew of vegetables and beef .

  25. 没什么比大冷天吃美美的炖菜更让人充满食欲了。

    There 's nothing more appetizing on a cold day than a good stew .

  26. 把胡萝卜剁碎做炖菜。

    Chop the carrots for the stew .

  27. 用牛奶、咸肉、洋葱和马铃薯做成的浓汤或炖菜。

    A thick soup or stew made with milk and bacon and onions and potatoes .

  28. 汤和炖菜都吃了吗?

    Are the soup and stew through ?

  29. 我知道,我知道,我们是做浓汤或者炖菜的。

    I know , I know . We were makers of thick soups or stews .

  30. 由于烟草的治疗方法,它是在其自身的天然果汁的炖菜。

    As tobacco cures , it is sort of stews in its own natural juices .