
huī jiānɡ
  • mortar
灰浆 [huī jiāng]
  • [mortar;stucco] 一种能硬化的塑性建筑材料,用于砌筑或抹面;尤指水泥、石灰或石膏与砂子和水的混合物,在塑性状态或硬化状态下使用

  1. 在灰场入口,灰浆pH值达到最高;

    And the highest pH of the water is approached at the inlet of ash pond .

  2. 在HCl浓度为0.0%~2.0%的溶灰条件下,测定了灰浆的pH值和溶出的Ca2+浓度的经时变化。

    The changes of pH of ash water and stripping Ca ~ 2 + concentration with time were determined when the concentrations of HCl were from 0.0 % to 2.0 % .

  3. 针对灰浆pH值变化规律和除灰系统的结构特点,从理论上论证了CO2投入点的选择依据及投加量的估算方法。

    Based on the trend of pH change of ash transport water and characteristic of ash hydraulic transport system , the rule for the selecting of CO2 injection points and the methods for the estimating quantity of CO2 addition are analyzed theoretically .

  4. 按围堰实际渗水量估算,固化灰浆防渗墙渗透系数小于1×10-6cm/s。

    It is calculated according to actual seepage volume of cofferdam that the seepage coefficient of solidified mortar diaphragm wall is less than 10 & 6 cm / s.

  5. 废弃灰浆在复合砂预拌混凝土中的应用研究

    Research of scrap grout application in ready-mixed concrete with mixed sand

  6. 砖石灰浆试验方法带基质的单层初涂沙浆可混合性的测定

    BS EN1015-21-2002 Methods of test for mortAr for mAsonry-DeterminAtion of the

  7. 脱硫灰浆液属于剪切稀释浆液。

    The desulfurized fly ash grout belongs to shear dilute grout .

  8. 灰浆泵控制系统改造可行性论证

    Feasible Demonstration of the Reform of Ash Sturry Control System

  9. 加气混凝土砌筑灰浆和饰面中间体的研究

    Study on masonry mortar and finish intermediate for aerated concrete

  10. 水力除灰系统灰浆管道酸洗

    Acid Cleaning of Slurry Pipeline in Ash Hydraulic Transport System

  11. 石砌体是以灰浆连接料石块体,经砌筑而成的砌体,是一种很不均匀的网状结构体系。

    Stone structure is made from mortar and material stone .

  12. 用矿物粘合剂灰浆的检验;

    Testing of mortars containing mineral binders ; hardened mortars ;

  13. 自凝灰浆是性能良好的柔性防渗墙材料。

    Self-set grout is a flexible waterproof material used for anti-seepage wall .

  14. 那无形的墙好像被淡漠的灰浆接合得更加坚固了。

    That invisible wall was now being cemented by the mortar of indifference .

  15. 小流量灰浆泵组合密封设计

    Combination Sealing Design of a Low Flow Mud Pump

  16. 石料最后一次上灰浆还是伊里斯国王在位的时候。

    The stones were last mortared in the time of King Aerys , .

  17. 砖石用灰浆砌起来。磷石膏-粉煤灰-石灰-水泥胶凝体系性能研究

    Study on property of cementitious binder consisting of phosphogypsum-flyash-lime-cement

  18. 混凝土强度及灰浆混合比例须参照建筑师之基本规范。

    Refer to Architect 's General Specification for concrete strength and mortar mix .

  19. 火电厂灰浆管道内壁结垢分析及治理

    Analysis and Solution on Deposition of Dust on Piping Inner Wall in Power Plant

  20. 砖石用灰浆砌起来。

    Bricks and stones are bedded in motar .

  21. 高强钢绞线网-聚合灰浆加固新技术梁正截面受弯承载力计算方法研究

    High-strength Steel Cable Network-New Technology Reinforced Polymer Mortar Beams Bending Bearing Capacity Calculation Method

  22. 泥工用灰浆把接缝处嵌平。

    The mason flushed the joint with mortar .

  23. 脚手架顶上的砌砖工人喊着要人再送些灰浆上去。

    The brick-layer at the top of the scaffold is calling for more mortar .

  24. U型渡槽粉煤灰浆输送能力的研究

    Study on Fly Ash Transport in U-Type Channels

  25. 大功率变频器在热电厂灰浆泵上的应用

    Application of Large Power Frequency Converter in Slurry Pump of the Heat Power Plant

  26. 他叹了一口气,用刷子蘸上灰浆,沿着最顶上一层木板刷起来。

    Sighing , he dipped his brush and passed it along the topmost plank ;

  27. 高&低变频系统在电厂灰浆泵节能改造中的应用

    Application of the high-low inverter system on energy-saving modification of mortar pump in power plant

  28. 当时的灰浆是用石灰、桐油,还有糯米熬制成的。

    The mortar used then was made with lime , tong oil and sticky rice .

  29. 汤姆出现在人行道上,一只手拎着一桶灰浆,另一只手拿着一把长柄刷子。

    Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush .

  30. 那是一大间用灰浆刷白了的屋子,里面有一张床,床上铺着印花棉布的床单。

    Within was a large whitewashed room , with a bed draped in printed cotton stuff .