
  • 网络mirex;POPs;Dechlorane
  1. 氯丹和灭蚁灵属于持久性有机污染物(POPs),在环境中难降解,对人体健康危害的潜在风险很大。

    Chlordane and mirex are persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) which are recalcitrant in the environment and pose high risk to human health .

  2. 目的比较氟虫胺、吡虫啉和灭蚁灵对白蚁的防制效果。

    Objective To compare the effect on termite control of sulfluramid , imidaclorprid and mirex .

  3. 建立了用弗罗里硅土作基质固相分散剂的加速溶剂萃取、并以灭蚁灵(Mirex)为内标的快速、同时测定土壤中16种有机氯农药的气相色谱法。

    A fast and effective method for simultaneous determination of 16 organochlorine pesticides in soils was developed .

  4. ASE-GC-MS测定电子电气产品塑料部件中的灭蚁灵

    ASE-GC-MS Mirex Determination in Plastics from Electrical and Electronic Products

  5. 结论克蚁星粉剂可替代灭蚁灵用于白蚁防治。

    Conclusion Keyixing powder could be used as the alternative of Mirex for termite control .

  6. 结论灭蚁灵对白蚁的毒力最小,吡虫啉居中,氟虫胺的毒力最大。

    Conclusion Mirex is least toxic to termite , imidaclorprid is middle and sulfluramid is most toxic to termite .

  7. 风景区古树名木防治白蚁方法:①专职人员经常巡视,发现白蚁用“灭蚁灵”防治。

    Control methods for precious old trees : ① Frequent monitering by professional technicians , and spraying dust once finding termites ;

  8. 重点针对两种持久性有机污染物-氯丹和灭蚁灵的环境污染问题探讨其治理措施和处置方法。

    Focusing on the pollution caused by two POPs-chlordane and mirex , this paper discussed the control measures and disposal methods .

  9. 有机溶剂对灭蚁灵的洗脱率,除了正丙醇较低(63.5%)外,其余均在80%左右。

    For mirex , the removal rates of organic solvents were about 80 % with the exception of propanol ( 63.5 % ) .

  10. 它们将会为实现消除持久性有机污染物氯丹和灭蚁灵带来有益的经验,不仅有益于中国,也有益于全体面临类似挑战的《斯德哥尔摩公约》签约国家。

    They will generate useful lessons for complete elimination of PCBs , chlordane and mirex not only in China but in all other Stockholm Convention countries facing similar challenges .

  11. 在植物毒性试验中,同一浓度下,氯丹和灭蚁灵对4种植物种子根伸长抑制率均明显大于对种子发芽的抑制率,植物根对有机污染物的生态毒性比种子发芽敏感。

    From the plant toxicity tests , results showed that under the same concentrations of chlordane or mirex in soil , root elongation rates were more significantly inhibited than seed germination rates in all four types of plants .

  12. 化学药剂和施放毒饵是红火蚁防治中最常用的措施,随着氯丹和灭蚁灵的消减与淘汰,这两种措施需要调整和改进。

    Chemical solution and applying bait are the main measures for red imported fire ant in last year . However , as the reduction and elimination of chlordane and mirex , these two measures should be adjusted and improved according to the property of alternative chemicals .