
  1. 适才火铺屋后那个破门倒是好象征。

    That broken-down door behind the lodge was a good symbol .

  2. 根据贵州火铺茅口组剖面的实际材料,采用聚类分析等方法对该地茅口组的沉积环境进行了详细研究。

    Comprehensive studies have been conducted to investigate sedimentary environment of the Maokou Formation in Huopu section , Panxian , Guizhou province .

  3. ??在一个古老的、烟熏的大房间里,有一堆火在石铺的地上熊熊地燃着。

    In the midst of the large , old , smoking hall burnt a great fire on the stone floor .