
huǒ tàn
  • live charcoal;burning charcoal
火炭 [huǒ tàn]
  • [burning charcoal] 燃烧着的木炭或煤块

火炭[huǒ tàn]
  1. 因面前的光辉,火炭都着起来。

    Out of the brightness before him fiery coals were kindled .

  2. 火炭工业区的商业设施研究

    Study of Commercial Facilities in the Fo Tan Industrial Area

  3. 人若在火炭上走,脚岂能不烫呢?

    Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched ?

  4. 或者让我吞火炭你明白吗

    or make me swallow coals , you know ?

  5. 有时我在户外用火炭烧烤食物。

    I sometimes grill food outdoors on coals .

  6. 火炭食水及海水抽水站

    Western Fresh Water and Salt Water Pumping Station

  7. 一群艺术爱好者将火炭工厂大厦变身成为画廊及艺术工作室。

    Artists and art lovers set up the gallery and workshops in the industrial buildings .

  8. 至于四活物的形像,就如烧着火炭的形状,又如火把的形状。

    The appearance of the living creatures was like burning coals of fire or like torches .

  9. 这是将火炭堆在他头上,上主也必要因此还报你。

    For thou shalt heap hot coals upon his head , and the Lord will reward thee .

  10. 因他面前的光辉,他的厚云行过。便有冰雹火炭。

    12Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced , with hailstones and bolts of lightning .

  11. 他看到一头母牛被绑在一个桩子上,一根铁条正在火炭上烧着。

    He saw a cow fled to a stake , and an iron chopstick roasting on hot coals .

  12. 回去的路冷风四起,黑暗无边。魔鬼从地狱之火拣了一块烧得通红的火炭扔给他。

    Instead , the devil gave him a single ember to light his way through the frigid darkness .

  13. 愿火炭落在他们身上。愿他们被丢在火中、抛在深坑里、不能再起来。

    Let burning coals fall upon them ; may they be thrown into the fire , into miry pits , never to rise .

  14. 处方中三白草对苦参中苦参碱及氧化苦参碱含量的影响大于蛇床子、火炭母。

    The Influence of herba saururi was much higher than that of fructus cnidii and polygonum chinense on the content of matrine and oxymatrine .

  15. 结果本制剂制备工艺可行、布渣叶、火炭母薄层色谱斑点明显、质量控制可靠;

    Results The technics of this preparation are feasible . The stins of leafs of Folium Microcotis and herb of Polygoni Chinensis by TLC were obvious , the quality control is dependable ;

  16. 他们左右打听,得知白天细沙会被太阳烤得像火炭,根本不能供人行走甚至骆驼或牛群也不敢在上面行走!

    They asked about , and found that during the daytime the sun heats up the fine sand until it 's as hot as charcoal , so no one can walk on it & not even bullocks or camels !