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xiāo sǎ
  • natural and unrestrained;negligent;light-hearted;elegant and unconventional;un conventional;be lifted above the sordid bustle of life
潇洒 [xiāo sǎ]
  • (1) [natural and unrestrained;light-hearted;be lifted above the sordid bustel of life]∶ [神情举止] 自然大方,不呆板,不拘束(神情潇洒)

  • 画法潇洒

  • (2) [negligent;un conventional]∶不拘谨的或无拘束的;不矫揉造作的

  • 衣着潇洒文雅

潇洒[xiāo sǎ]
  1. 从而成就了一个潇洒自由的烂人。

    Achievements thus a natural and unrestrained freedom of Black people .

  2. 过去的年华,潇洒的爱。

    Over the past years , natural and unrestrained love .

  3. 他们周末到巴黎潇洒去了。

    They 've gone swanning off to Paris for the weekend .

  4. 他神态轻松潇洒,给人成功的印象。

    He looked relaxed and elegant and had the patina of success .

  5. 他到外面潇洒去了。

    He 's out on a spree .

  6. 两名结伴旅行的优雅苏格兰男子就餐时穿了潇洒的苏格兰方格呢短裙。

    Two elegant Scotsmen travelling together wore dashing kilts at dinner .

  7. 黑色外套看起来总是很潇洒,而且永远也不会落伍。

    A black coat always looks smart and will never date

  8. 他是一位英俊潇洒、风流倜傥、敢于挑战死神的赛车手。

    He was a handsome , debonair , death-defying racing-driver .

  9. 王子潇洒威猛地驱车而行。

    The Prince was driving with great fire and dash .

  10. 他属于北欧人那种类型,英俊潇洒,金发碧眼。

    He was a handsome blond Nordic type .

  11. 他们的作品一如既往地引人入胜、气韵潇洒、新颖别致,不会让你失望。

    Their work has all the usual punch , panache and flair you 'd expect .

  12. 他英俊潇洒,还是个衣着讲究的时髦绅士。

    He was handsome and a dandy .

  13. 他活得相当潇洒,通常带着厨师、用人、管家和司机到处游玩。

    He lived in considerable style , travelling widely , usually with a cook , valet , butler and chauffeur in attendance .

  14. 她的丈夫英俊潇洒,身体强壮。

    Her husband is handsome and muscular .

  15. 小姐们走出房间的时候,风度的潇洒真有勾魂慑魄的力量。

    The ladies retired , with the most killing grace .

  16. 当天依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。

    If the sky is still vast , clouds are still clear , you shall not cry because my leave doesn 't takeaway the world that belongs to you .

  17. handsome:英俊的gonna:=goingto:将会tonight:今晚英俊潇洒的Nate呢?

    Now where 's the handsome Nate ?

  18. 泰勒·摩森当晚还是以一身她最喜欢的黑色性感绷带紧身短裙亮相,深情演绎她的最新单曲《LightMeUp》据悉,泰勒·摩森很潇洒,舍弃了《绯闻女孩》剧组配备给演员的高级房车,宁肯每天睡大巴,为演唱会全力筹备。

    In one of her favourite barely there bondage and lingerie inspired outfits , the young singer took to the stage to perform an hour long set of songs from her band 's newly released album , Light Me Up .

  19. 这不是约旦王储第一次出现在公众视野中,以往王储骑摩托车穿越沙漠的潇洒照片也广为流传,因此还在Instagram上常常收到求婚。

    It 's not the first time the royal has turned heads , as he regularly receives marriage proposals on Instagram thanks to brooding shots of him riding through the desert on his motorbike .

  20. 郭敬明为他的读者和观众营造了一个梦幻般的世界,这也是很多年轻人梦寐以求的生活:穿着大牌、开着宾利(Bentleys)、在舞厅喝着香槟、与英俊潇洒的成功人士约会。

    Mr. Guo builds a fantasy world for his readers and audiences , a sparkling world that many young Chinese dream about : big-name fashion labels , Bentleys , Champagne in glistening ballrooms , and dates with successful and attractive men .

  21. 她们看到你在太阳下悠然自得,英俊潇洒。

    They have seen you well-stationed and handsome in the sun .

  22. 他穿休闲装看上去挺潇洒&这和他很相配。

    He looks good in casual clothes & they suit him .

  23. 我想要的东西,我可以添加更多的潇洒来。

    I wanted something that I could add more pizazz to .

  24. 创造流行,展示潇洒豪迈之气概

    Create fashion , show the natural , unrestrained and heroic manner

  25. 王后有两个弟弟吗一个英俊潇洒

    The queen has two brothers ? There 's the pretty one

  26. 他器宇轩昂,温文尔雅,举止潇洒。

    His manner was aristocratic , his movements dapper and suave .

  27. 最潇洒,最棒的舞者来保护你。

    And the smartest man , the best dancer in tavira .

  28. 所以我才能这么潇洒

    That 's why I 'm so fun to be around .

  29. 她没有三兄弟活得那么潇洒。

    She did not share the same life as her brothers .

  30. 在《向前一步》的世界里,每个人都潇洒又漂亮。

    In the Lean In world everyone is cool and beautiful .