
piǎo bái fěn
  • bleaching powder;chlorinated lime;Hichlon
漂白粉 [piǎo bái fěn]
  • [bleaching powder] 主要由氢氧化钙、氯化钙和次氯酸钙的混合物组成,具有不定含量的有效氯和水分,用作漂白剂、消毒剂、脱臭剂

漂白粉[piǎo bái fěn]
  1. 过氧乙酸与漂白粉对医院污水消毒效果的比较

    Comparison of efficacy of peracetic acid vs bleaching powder in disinfection of hospital sewage

  2. 漂白粉和敌百虫对净化养鱼水生物膜活性的影响

    The Effects of Bleaching Powder and Trichlorphon on the Activity of Biofilm in Purifying Fish-Culturing Water

  3. 用漂白粉可以消除血迹和dna吗?

    Isn 't bleach used to destroy blood and DNA evidence ?

  4. 利用漂白粉和Fenton试剂(H2O2/Fe2+)处理碱法草浆中段废水。

    Bleaching powder and Fenton reagent ( H2O2 / Fe2 + ) were used to treat alkali straw pulp effluent .

  5. 用0.4%有效氯漂白粉液浸5min,不仅孵化率高,而且发病率低。

    The eggs disinfected with bleaching powder liquid which contained 0 4 % effective chloride for five minutes not only had high hatchability but also low disease worm percentage .

  6. 研究了甲醛制剂(福尔马林液)和含氯制剂(漂白粉液)对蚕粪、地表层土、蚕体、蛹体、蛾体内微孢子虫(NosemaBombycis)孢子的消毒效果。

    The disinfection effect of formaldehyde disinfectant ( formalin ) and chloric disinfectant ( lime chloride ) on Nosema bombycis of silkworm , Bombyx mori in the silkworm faeces , earth floor , silkworm larvae , pupa , moth body were studied .

  7. 试谈电液净化中漂白粉的作用

    The Function of Bleaching Powder Used in the Purification of Electrolyte

  8. 她用漂白粉把(衣服上的)污渍除掉了。

    She bleached the stains out ( of her clothes ) .

  9. 我要去用漂白粉烧眼睛啊啊啊!

    I need to go wash my eyes out with bleach .

  10. 水里是不是有大量的漂白粉什么的?

    Ls there a lot of chlorine in this water or what ?

  11. 漂白粉机改造实现生产连续化

    Improve the bleaching power reactor to realize the continuous production

  12. 漂白粉杀灭鳗弧菌及其影响因素的研究

    Bactericidal efficacy of bleach on Vibrio anguillarum and influential factor

  13. 噢,我需要更多得漂白粉。我需要更多得漂白粉。

    Oh . I need more bleach . I need more bleach .

  14. 漂白粉和肥皂以及食物颗粒混合还会让其失效。

    Mixing bleach with soap and food particles also lessens its effectiveness .

  15. 漂白粉有效氯含量的简易测定

    The Simple and Easy Method of Determining Bleaching Powder 's Effective Chlorine Content

  16. 用于农村消毒防病,比常规消毒剂&漂白粉用量少、成本低,使用方便,药效稳定,防病效果好,增产蚕茧显著。

    It had low cost and has stable disinfectant efficiency than bleaching powder .

  17. 漂白粉蓄积对日本?4种组织超微结构的影响

    Effects of Accumulated Bleaching Powder on Ultrastructure of four Tissues in Charybdis japonica

  18. 肥皂和漂白粉混合是有毒的。

    Mixing soap and bleach together can be toxic .

  19. 漂白粉处理焦磷酸钾镀铜废水

    Treatment of potassium pyrophosphate Cu-plating effluent with bleaching powder

  20. 漂白粉杀灭副溶血性弧菌及其影响因素的实验研究

    Bactericidal efficacy of bleach containing chlorine on Vibrio parahaemolyticus

  21. 漂白粉对史氏鲟的急性毒性试验

    Bleaching Power Toxicity Experiment on Acipenser schrenckii Brandt

  22. 氧漂白粉或氯漂白粉

    Oxygen bleach or chlorine bleach ( optional )

  23. 漂白粉澄清液有效氯稳定性的研究

    Study on the stability of the available chlorine content in supernatant of bleaching powder suspension

  24. 目的研究漂白粉杀灭嗜肺军团菌效果及其影响因素。

    Objective To study the bactericidal efficacy and influencing fators of chloride to legionella pneumophila .

  25. 由于身上裹了一层热的能进行生物降解的漂白粉,他连烧伤都没有。

    He was also unburned by the hot biodegradable bleach that had covered his body .

  26. 漂白粉溶液清洗~(125)I污染玻璃试管的方法

    Procedure for cleaning glass tubes contaminated by ~ ( 125 ) I with bleach solution

  27. 在漂白粉与洗涤剂的溶液中搅拌衣服旋转式血液稀释吸管搅拌器

    Slosh clothes in a solution of bleach and detergent . rotary blood diluting pipet agitator

  28. 按照三比一的比例在桶里加入水和漂白粉,配置清洁溶液。

    Mix a solution of three parts water and one part bleach in the bucket .

  29. 洗衣服的时候,不要用漂白粉来漂白衣物。

    On laundry day , don 't reach for the bleach to whiten those whites .

  30. 漂白粉及其生产技术

    Bleaching powder and its production technique