
  • 网络Ptyas mucosus;P.mucosus
  1. 滑鼠蛇的繁殖输出及孵化热环境对孵出幼体表型特征的影响

    Reproductive output and effects of incubation thermal environments on hatchling phenotypes of mucous rat snakes Ptyas mucosus

  2. 用15条2002年6月中旬捕自浙江丽水的怀卵滑鼠蛇研究繁殖输出及孵化热环境对孵出幼体表型特征的影响。

    We collected 15 gravid mucous rat snakes Ptyas mucosus in mid June 2002 from a population in Lishui , Zhejiang , to study reproductive output and effects of incubation thermal environments on hatchling phenotypes .