
sù jí lì
  • retrospective effect
  1. 关于合同法定解除的法律效力,一般认为非继续性合同有溯及力,继续性合同无溯及力。

    On the legal effect of contract termination , generally speaking , the discontinuous contracts have retrospective effect , the continuous contracts have no retrospective effect .

  2. 合同解除的溯及力,主要有四种学说,分别是直接效果说,间接效果说,折衷说,以及清算关系说。

    There are four theories of retrospective effect of termination , that direct effect theory , indirect effect theory , compromise effect theory and clearing relationship theory .

  3. 论合同解除的溯及力及违约责任

    On Recalling Validity and Liability of Breach of Discharge of Contract

  4. 我国《合同法》对合同解除后是否有溯及力这一问题有专门规定。

    The " Contract Law " on which has special provisions .

  5. 保险合同解除权的时效与溯及力

    On the Limitation and Retrospective Effect of the Dissolution of Insurance Contract

  6. 建筑工程消防技术规范溯及力之研究

    Study on the retroaction of the building fire technical regulation

  7. 考察发现,合同解除溯及力问题主要存在于大陆法国家。

    The retroactive effect issue mainly occurs in the countries of Romano-Germanic family .

  8. 在第一部分中,讨论了合同解除的溯及力。

    The first part discusses the issue of retroactive effect of contract termination .

  9. 合同解除的溯及力研究

    A Study on the Retroactive Effect of Rescinding Contract

  10. 论法的溯及力的几个问题

    On Some Questions about the Retroactive Force of Law

  11. 浅析空白刑法中的补充规范及其溯及力

    A Simple Analysis on the Complementary Norm in Blank Penal Code and Its Retroactivity

  12. 刑法溯及力问题研究

    Research on the Retroactivity of Criminal Law Problems

  13. 如果要排除这种溯及力,应该声明特别保留。

    If the retroactive effect is excluded , a special reservation shall be announced .

  14. 论刑法司法解释溯及力的三个问题

    Retroactivity of Judicial Interpretation of Criminal Law

  15. 刑法司法解释的溯及力以及非刑事法律的溯及力问题。

    The retroactivity of judicial interpretation of criminal law and the retroactivity of non-criminal law .

  16. 该税务裁定具有溯及力。

    The tax ruling has retrospective effect .

  17. 第一小部分讲述合同解除的溯及力问题。

    The first small part is about the problem of the retroactive termination of the contract .

  18. 事后追认有溯及力,等同先前命令。

    A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect , and be equivalent to a prior command .

  19. 合同解除的效果主要包括三个问题:合同解除的溯及力、恢复原状和损害赔偿。

    They are retroactive effect of contract rescission , liability in restitution and compensation for damages .

  20. 国际裁判法庭的管辖权是否具有溯及力,是个复杂的问题。

    The determination of its jurisdiction is the precondition for international tribunals to resolve international disputes .

  21. 法的溯及力分为法的溯及保护力和溯及约束力。

    The retroactive force of law is divided into Protective force and binding force of retroaction .

  22. 这些有溯及力的变化绝对无法反映出我们眼中的澳大利亚是一个怎样的国家。

    These retroactive changes in no way reflects how Australia is seen by many of us .

  23. 论保险合同法定解除的溯及力问题&兼议09《保险法》的修改

    On the Retroactive Effect Legally Revoked in Insurance Contracts & Concurrently Discussing the Amendment of 09 Insurance Law

  24. 由此而产生的溯及力问题,如果该变更是评价性变更,应适用轻法;

    If the change is the alteration of evaluation , the law with lighter punishment should be observed .

  25. 当代刑法溯及力原则的考察&试对新刑法第12条理论重构

    Study On The Retroaction Principles of Modern Criminal Law & Theoretical Reconstruction To Article 12 of New Criminal Law

  26. 该法律的失效,除香港特别行政区的法律另有规定外,无溯及力。

    This invalidation shall not have retroactive effect , unless otherwise provided for in the laws of the Region .

  27. 有溯及力的合同解除与无溯及力的合同解除;

    The contract rescinding with the force of tracing back and the contract rescinding with no force of tracing back ;

  28. 从最高院的司法解释来看,《婚姻法》的新修订部分具有溯及力。

    As far as the PSC 's interpretation is concerned , the revised " Marriage Law " has partial retroactivity .

  29. 采纳无溯及力说合同解除后也发生恢复原状的义务。

    According to the theory of " no retroactive effect ", the obligation of restitution occurred after the termination contract .

  30. 如果司法解释不具有溯及力,那么司法解释的上述功能就会大打折扣。

    If the judicial interpretation does not have retroactive effect , then the judicial interpretation of these functions is compromised .