
  1. 清代浙江湖州府的客民与地方社会

    Migration and Local Society in Huzhou of Zhejiang Province in Qing Dynasty

  2. 清前期浙西杭州、湖州府社会、经济和文化发展的三个层次

    The Three Levels of Social , Economic and Cultural Development in Hangzhou and Huzhou of Western Zhijiang in the Early Qing Dynasty

  3. 清前期乡贤的社会构成初探&以浙西杭州和湖州府为中心

    On the Social Strata of Country Squires during the Early Qing Dynasty & A Case Study of Squires in Western Zhejiang , Huzhou Prefecture and Hangzhou Prefecture

  4. 湖州以丝绸之府美誉闻名遐迩,其丝绸之府的格局形成于明代中叶。

    Hu Zhou is famous for its location as the city of silk , which was formed in the middle period of Ming Dynasty .