
yóu jī qū
  • guerrilla zone;guerrilla area
游击区 [yóu jī qū]
  • [guerrilla area] 在革命战争中,游击队经常活动,但尚不能完全控制和占领的地区。可存在于革命根据地与敌占区之间,以及敌占区内敌人统治薄弱的地方

  1. 我们业已有了两千万人口的控制区,一千万人口的游击区;

    We now control an area with a population of 20 million and have a guerrilla zone containing 10 million people .

  2. 有些地方的游击战争,全部活动地区开始都是游击区,例如冀东的游击战争。

    In some places , for example , eastern Hopei , the whole area of guerrilla operations has been a guerrilla zone from the very beginning .

  3. 这些大的转移使老根据地变成了游击区。

    These great shifts turned the old areas into guerrilla zones .

  4. 有许多地区,将是长期地处于游击区状态的。

    Many regions will remain guerrilla zones for a long time .

  5. 游击区的银行工作更特殊。

    Banking in the guerrilla areas was even more peculiar .

  6. 我们把主要注意力放在游击区。

    Our chief interest was in the guerrilla regions .

  7. 第三种是双方争夺的中间地带,即所谓游击区。

    And third , intermediate zones contested by both sides , namely , guerrilla zones .

  8. 可是在游击区和后方基地没有保险箱。

    There were no safe deposit boxes , either in guerrilla areas or in the rear .

  9. 到游击区抓一把的倾向必须克服与严行制止。

    We must overcome and strictly check the tendency to take things from the guerrilla zones .

  10. 第二节游击区和根据地

    Guerrilla zones and base areas

  11. 因此,就在这种游击区或根据地里面,发生了统一指挥,即集中指挥的问题。

    Consequently , the problem arises of setting up a unified or centralized command in such guerrilla zones or base areas .

  12. 他们在游击区四处流动的时候,就用息票交换朋友们借予的金银。

    While running here and there in the guerrilla areas , they exchanged coupons for gold and silver loaned by friends .

  13. 在游击区只作宣传工作和荫蔽的组织工作,分发若干浮财。

    In the latter , we should confine ourselves to propaganda , covert organizational work and the distribution of a certain amount of movable property .

  14. 我曾路过一个位于游击区的村子,由于有人在粮仓的面粉里下毒药,致使二十八名民兵中毒死亡。

    In the guerrilla regions I came across a village where twenty-eight militiamen had died from poison that had been placed in their wheat-flour stores .

  15. 某一时期,把重心放在发展方面,这就是推广游击区、扩大游击队的工作。

    At one time , the emphasis may be on expansion , i.e. , on expanding the guerrilla zones and increasing the number of guerrillas .

  16. 敌占区当我武装能进入作经常活动时,则已变为游击区应以非法斗争为主。

    In enemy-occupied areas when our armed forces can frequently carry out operations there , they become guerrilla zones illegal struggle should be the principal form of struggle .

  17. 再说革命两面政策在敌占区或敌占优势的游击区的乡村中的运用。

    Now let 's talk about the application of the dual revolutionary policy in enemy-occupied areas or villages in guerrilla zones where the enemy is in a superior position .

  18. 另一方面又加紧施行经济封锁,严禁向游击区输运食盐和布匹,妄图以饥荒来破坏人民群众的反抗。

    At the same time they reinforced their economic blockade , halted all salt and cloth from entering the guerrilla regions and tried to starve the population out of resistance .

  19. 在河南游击区,我曾遇到过一个从婆家逃跑出来的小媳妇,说她婆婆对清算斗争心怀不满,就在水并里投放毒药。

    In Honan , I met a girl in the guerrilla regions who had fled from her husband 's home because her mother-in-law had poisoned the wells during a settlement struggle .

  20. 要待消灭敌人和发动民众的工作开展了之后,才能把游击区状态消灭,变为比较稳固的根据地。

    Such places will not be transformed from guerrilla zones into relatively stable base areas until the enemy forces are destroyed and the work of arousing the people is in full swing .

  21. 各个游击区都以自己为内线,而以其他各区为外线,又形成了很多夹攻敌人的火线。

    From its own viewpoint each guerrilla area is on interior lines and the other areas are on exterior lines ; together they form many battle fronts , which hold the enemy in pincers .

  22. 在敌占区及敌占优势的游击区,不可能避免对敌负担,而只能是减少对敌负担。

    In enemy-occupied areas and in guerrilla zones where the enemy is in a superior position we cannot help people evade the burdens imposed by the enemy , but we can work to reduce them .

  23. 因此首先要确定,革命两面政策是属于敌占区或敌占优势的游击区范畴的政策,是一种进攻政策。

    Therefore , we should , first of all , get it straight in our minds that the dual revolutionary policy is an offensive one , a policy to be pursued only in enemy-occupied areas and enemy-dominated guerrilla zones .

  24. 和这个区别的,是每一游击区派遣出去向该区敌后临时活动的游击队,他们不但没有后方,也没有作战线。

    The case is different with the guerrilla detachments which are dispatched by a guerrilla area for short-term operations in the rear of the enemy in the same area ; such detachments have no rear , nor do they have a battle line .

  25. 在分配整个负担数目的时候,不可使游击区比控制区还重,而在两面负担的地区,还应酌量减轻。

    When distributing the total burden , we should refrain from imposing heavier burdens in the guerrilla zones than in areas under our control , and appropriately lighten burdens on people in areas where they are loaded with burdens imposed both by the Kuomintang and us .

  26. 今天领着游击组到区上开会去来。

    Today he had taken his men to the district town for a meeting .

  27. 不幸的是,他们迫降的地区是哥伦比亚南部的游击队控制区。在他们再次起飞之前,他们被游击队俘虏了。

    Unluckily for them , they landed in guerrilla-dominated southern Colombia and were intercepted by rebels before they had a chance to take off again .

  28. 棒球游击手站在场区外很远的地方。从奥运村到市区或到各场馆有多远?

    How far is it from the Village to the downtown or to the different venues ?

  29. 在处于敌人后方作战的游击战争面前,游击区和根据地是有区别的。

    In guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines , there is a difference between guerrilla zones and base areas .