
  • 网络Hong Kong Island
  1. 港岛区的巴士服务在一九九八年经历了颇大变动。

    Bus services on Hong Kong Island underwent a major change in1998 .

  2. 港岛区的巴士服务现由新巴和城巴提供。

    Local bus services on Hong Kong Island are provided by NWFB and CTB .

  3. 程介南位列民建联港岛区竞选名单之首。

    Mr Cheng leads the DAB ticket in the Hong Kong Island constituency for next month 's poll .

  4. 奕居位于港岛区金钟的太古广场,汇聚商业、购物及酒店的多元化顶级综合商业中心。

    The hotel is conveniently located within Pacific Place in Admiralty , Hong Kong Island 's premier integrated commercial , retail and hospitality complex .

  5. 期间亦于东九龙区、深水埗区、东涌区和港岛中西区,成立失业支援关怀网络。

    A Support Network for the Unemployed was also set up in East Kowloon , Shamshuipo , Tung Chung and the Central and Western District .

  6. 尽管人们可以乘坐清洁而又安全的地铁,从港岛商业区迅速到达九龙购物胜地,但乘坐历时七分钟的天星渡轮则远为令人心旷神怡。

    Though one can transfer swiftly from the business district of Hong Kong Island to the shopping mecca of Kowloon on the clean , safe MTR underground system , the seven-minute ride on the star ferry is infinitely more charming .

  7. 与此同时,人口老化及一些如贫穷等社会问题亦不再局限于九龙或港岛的旧区,更在部分发展已久的新市镇中浮现。

    Meanwhile , population aging and social problems like poverty are no longer restricted to old urban districts in Kowloon or on Hong Kong Island , but also emerging in some older new towns .

  8. 例如,在香港,港岛山顶富人区的房屋资源十分稀缺,富豪买家愿意支付平均每平方英尺6700英镑的价格。

    In Hong Kong , for example , space in the wealthy peak area of the island is at such a premium that billionaire buyers are willing to spend on average 6700 per square foot .

  9. 这家暂命名为8thEstate的酿酒厂位于港岛南端的工业区及渔业码头香港仔。它由一位意大利酿酒大师及其加拿大和香港生意合伙人共同创办。

    Located in Aberdeen , an industrial district and fishing port on the south side of Hong Kong island , the tentatively named 8th Estate winery is a joint project between an Italian wine master and his Canadian and Hong Kong business partners .