
  • 网络Vancouver Island;Vancouver, CA
  1. 加拿大本土至温哥华岛500kV交流海底电缆工程

    500 kV AC Submarine Cable Link from Mainland Canada to Vancouver Island

  2. 我很想在温哥华岛购买新居。

    I 'd like to buy a home on Vancouver island .

  3. 摄于加拿大西海岸的温哥华岛。

    Long beach , Tofino , Vancouver Island , BC .

  4. 1788年,有70名广东铁匠、木匠从澳门乘船到达温哥华岛。

    In 1788 , setting sail from Macao , 70 Cantonese blacksmiths and carpenters reached Vancouver Island .

  5. 西临温哥华岛,东边和北边则是群山环绕。

    British Columbia 's largest city faces Vancouver Island to the west and mountains to the east and north .

  6. 这个厂的成功又促使他不久就在温哥华岛开了第二家。

    The success of this plant led to the opening of a second plant on Vancouver Island soon afterward .

  7. 他们的行程于上周五结束,太阳海号货船在温哥华岛停靠。

    It ended last Friday when the boat , the Sun Sea , docked at Vancouver Island in British Columbia .

  8. 温哥华岛西岸的托菲诺很受冲浪爱好者欢迎,离环太平洋自然公园也很近。

    Tofino on Vancouver Island 's west coast is a favourite with surfers and close to the Pacific Rim Natural Park .

  9. 温哥华岛西海岸的环太平洋国家公园和夏洛特女王海峡的水域都非常适合进行潜水。

    Try the waters off the Pacific Rim National Park on Vancouver Island 's western coast or in the Queen Charlotte Strait .

  10. 直到加拿大卫生官员发现时,鱼疗正在温哥华岛成为一种流行的足部治疗方式。

    Fish nibbling was becoming a popular pedicure procedure at a Vancouver Island spa , at least until health officials found out .

  11. 德森的海湾贸易中心就在河岸,但该中心已经迁移至较北边的温哥华岛,所以没有真正的理由再去坚持这一要求。

    The center had been moved farther north to Vancouver Island . So there was no real reason to continue this demand .

  12. 维多利亚加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚省省会,位于温哥华岛东南端的胡安・德福卡海峡的东端。

    The capital of British Columbia , Canada , on southeast Vancouver Island at the eastern end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca .

  13. 这次,我们来到温哥华岛的西岸,一个名为托菲诺的小城镇便映入眼帘。

    Going back to Vancouver Island , but this time on its western side , we come across a small town by the name of Tofino .

  14. 而这位名叫沈慧刚的年轻人却因为去年8月30日在全家前往加拿大温哥华岛旅行时勇斗美洲狮而声名渐起。

    Yet Shen Huigang is just now getting recognition for his bravery in fighting off a cougar on Vancouver Island , Canada , during a family outing on Aug 30 .

  15. 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的紫兰水疗中心的老板迪克西•辛普森说,现在她的生意面临着毁灭,因为温哥华岛卫生局已经责令她停止经营她的鱼疗中心。

    Dixie Simpson , owner of Duncan , B.C. 's Purple Orchid Spa , said her business now faces ruin because the Vancouver Island Health Authority has ordered her to stop running her fish spa .

  16. 这艘船由杰米捕鲸站营运。根据其网站的介绍,游客在温哥华岛周围海域坐船好几个小时观看灰鲸和座头鲸。

    The boat was operated by Jamie 's Whaling Station , which takes people out on boats for several hours in the waters around Vancouver Island to see Gray whales and Humpback whales , according to its website .

  17. 这位来自于温哥华附近鲍恩岛的家伙走了进来,说:“我想成立世界上最好的宠物健康保险公司。”

    So in walks this guy from Bowen Island , outside of Vancouver , and he says , " I want to have the best pet health insurance company in the world . "

  18. 而许多温哥华人会选择南行到温哥华岛或高尔夫群岛之一。当然,你得经历一段渡船才能到达那里。

    Many Vancouverites head south to Vancouver Island or one of the Gulf Islands , reachable by ferry .

  19. 从加拿大西部城市温哥华乘船仅1个小时,就可以来到一个叫做拉斯克蒂岛的地方,它地处内陆和温哥华岛之间,是一个较小的岛屿,面积和曼哈顿的大小相差无几,岛上居民约400人。

    Just an hour 's boat ride from Vancouver in western Canada , between the mainland and the island of Vancouver there 's another , smaller island called Lasqueti , roughly the size of Manhattan , where some 400 people reside .