
  1. 测算出渤海新区2020年的适度人口规模为159.3万人。

    I surveyed that the appropriate population scale of the Bohai new urban district is 1,593,000 in 2020 .

  2. 并依据环境容量法等方法,测算了渤海新区的适度人口规模。

    Obtain appropriate population scale of Bohai new urban district and new town of Huanghua city using the environmental capacity method .

  3. 黄骅综合港的建设促使渤海新区内部据点式的空间开发格局被打破,城市将会围绕黄骅新城聚合发展。

    Huanghua Comprehensive Port breaks the strongholds within the Bohai Development Zone , the city will develop revolving around Huanghua New City .

  4. 最后,根据新区发展的相关理论,结合渤海新区实际情况,提出了渤海新区发展的对策建议。

    At last , according to the correlation theories and actual situation of Bohai new urban district , the reasonable development strategies of the Bohai new urban district are proposed .

  5. 本文分析认为渤海新区主导产业为:石油化工产业、装备制造业、现代物流业、高新技术产业。

    According to my analysis , I thought that the leading industries of the Bohai new urban district include : petroleum chemical industry , equipment manufacturing industry , modern logistics industry and high-tech industry .

  6. 在第三章中,本文根据区域产业定位的定性分析依据和渤海新区发展条件,分析了渤海新区的主导产业。

    In the third part , this article analyzes the leading industry of Bohai new urban district , according to the qualitative analysis of regional industrial location and development conditions in the Bohai new urban district .

  7. 随着河北沿海地区发展规划上升为国家战略,渤海新区进入了千载难逢的发展黄金期,其蓬勃发展给黄骅港带来了跨越式发展的春天。

    With the development plan of Hebei coastal areas has risen to the national strategy , Bohai New Arga has entered into a golden period of development , its booming construction brings the great-leap-forward development of spring for Huanghua Port .

  8. 最后以渤海新区核心区总体规划为实例,在前文的研究基础上预测了其空间结构的发展模式和轨迹,并在三个空间层次上印证了前文的理论研究,增强了论文的现实意义。

    Finally , papers taked the master plan of Bohai New Core Area as an example , predicted the spatial structure of the development model and track on the basis of the previous studies , and confirmed earlier theoretical study in the three space levels .

  9. 本文根据新区发展以及港口对城市作用的相关理论,借鉴城市功能定位及国内其它城市新区功能定位的思路和体系,提出了渤海新区的功能定位及发展对策。

    The function orientation of Bohai new urban district is proposed in this article , according to the related theories of new urban district development and the role of the port in the city , by using urban function orientation and using experience of other cities for reference .