- 网络Watanabe Tsuneo

Even Mr Abe , who stormed the Premiership as a strong proponent of the national interest , is becoming more moderate as he settles into office , Mr Watanabe says .
The country 's most powerful media executive , who is also the force behind the Yomiuri Giants , the nation 's most successful baseball team , has wielded his enormous influence to promote a consistently conservative agenda .
Mr Watanabe says the book will soon be published in Chinese .
There have , according to Mr Watanabe , been no visits from the loudspeaker-equipped black trucks that the ultra-right uses to spread nationalist propaganda .
Just as the conservative mainstream that his paper had long backed was arguing that Japan had apologised enough , his team was busy digging up uncomfortable facts about the disastrous imperialist adventure of the 1930s and 1940s .
In a 90-minute interview in his spacious but cluttered office , surrounded by books , piles of papers and Yomiuri Giants paraphernalia , Mr Watanabe says he felt compelled to step into a void left by politicians .