
  1. 清代建筑彩画装饰艺术探析

    Analysis of the Decorative Art of Color Painting on Architecture of the Qing Dynasty

  2. 顺成街67号是昆明最大的、最完整的、保存最好的典型清代建筑。

    Shuncheng Road is Kunming 's largest , most complete , best-preserved example of Qing Dynasty architecture .

  3. 洛阳古代剧场发展演变历史悠久,而现存的戏楼多为清代建筑。

    Ancient theater in Luoyang has a long history , but most of the existent theaters were built in the Qing Dynasty .

  4. 精美的石雕、砖雕、木雕是清代建筑装饰中的代表作,山陕会馆建筑装饰雍容华贵、美轮美奂、独具风格。

    Exquisite stone carvings , brick carvings , wood carvings in the Qing Dynasty architectural masterpiece , Shan Shan Hall decoration elegant , beautiful , unique style .

  5. 采用数学表达式,为了解清代建筑等级制度以及大式大木作设计和构造提供了科学框架。

    This article , by using mathematical expressions , offers a scientific framework for understanding how the grading system of Qing ′ s structural carpentry determines the design and construction in the grand style timber architecture .

  6. 喀喇沁旗亲王府位于锡伯河上游的王爷府镇,依山傍水,气势恢宏,殿宇森严,布局精巧,建筑壮观,结构严谨,是典型的清代建筑群。

    Harqin Palace lies in the town of Wang Ye Fu at the upper reaches of Xibe River , which is magnificent and well-structured with mountains and rivers around , guarded temples , sophisticated layout and spectacular architecture .

  7. 根据对相关资料和数据的统计,关中地区道教遗存建筑共有239处,其中宋代建筑1处,元代建筑10处,其余均为明清建筑,且以清代建筑为主。

    According to the relevant data and data statistics , there were guanzhong area remains Taoism in Song dynasty , including building 239 , building 10 , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties buildings for the rest , and in Qing dynasty architecture .

  8. 论赣北清代民居建筑装饰艺术

    About Civil Dwelling Decorative Art of the Qing Dynasty in Northern Jiangxi

  9. 风穴寺内保存了大量唐代到清代的建筑。

    The temple save a lot of Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty architecture .

  10. 基于等级制的清代古建筑大式大木作模式化结构设计方法(英文)中国古代大木作结构抗震构造研究

    Structural Carpentry in Qing Dynasty-A Framework for the Hierarchically Modularized Chinese Timber Structural Design Aseismatic carpentry of Chinese ancient timber buildings

  11. 泉州地区清代古建筑彩绘为数不少,富有鲜明的地方特色,但保存现状不尽人意,且这门技艺后继乏人。

    There is lot of color decoration on heritage building of Qing dynasty in Quanzhou Region without well maintenance , and this skill is lack of worthy successors .

  12. 与大佛寺毗邻的山西会馆是河西地区清代会馆建筑的典型代表,富有晚期河西建筑的特点。

    The Shanxi Guildhall locates near GBT and it is a delegate of the guildhalls in the Gansu corridor with a typical characteristic of the late Qing Dynasty .

  13. 本文试图通过清代宫殿建筑的文化现象研究,寻找从深层次研究中国宫殿建筑的方法。

    This thesis attempts to find a method to study Chinese Palace Architecture from the deep level through the cultural phenomenon research of the Palace Architecture of Qing Dynasty .

  14. 第三章从民居装饰的分类形式、室外装修、室内装修、和细部装修阐述了江西九江地区清代民居建筑装饰的构成类型。

    Chapter 3 discusses composition types of the decoration art of the traditional dwelling of Qing Dynasty in Jiujiang districts of Jiangxi Province from classified forms , exterior decoration , interior decoration and the detail decoration .

  15. 清代惠陵建筑工程全案研究&基本人居生态单元的概念与方法

    The Total Research on Hui Tomb of Qing Dynasty

  16. 清代皇家古建筑彩画颜色修复的研究

    Research and Implement on Color Restoration of Decorative Color Painting on Royal Buildings of Qing Dynasty

  17. 原建筑物已毁,现存的皆为清代及近代建筑。

    The original buildings were damaged , and the existing ones are Qing or more recent constructions .

  18. 清代皇家古建筑彩画在天然光照下衰变研究

    Study on the Decay of Colored Drawings under Natural Lighting in Royal Historic Building of Qing Dynasty

  19. 本文是对中原地区现存规模最大的清代商业会馆建筑&社旗山陕会馆的雕刻艺术展开的个案研究。

    This paper is the case study on the carving art of the Shan-shan Guildhall of Sheqi County-the largest commercial building campus of Guildhall type of Qing Dynasty in Central China .

  20. 清代洛阳的戏楼建筑与演出风俗

    The Building of Theater and Performing Custom in Luoyang in the Qing Dynasty

  21. 清代殿堂体系是清代主要建筑风格之一。

    The palace system of Qing Dynaty is a main style of architecture in Qing Dynaty .