
  • 网络cresol
  1. 从间对混合甲酚合成对硝基间甲酚

    Synthesis of p-Nitro-m-Cresol from a m-and p-Cresol Mixture

  2. 通过等吸光点的方法寻求最佳的波长对,获得了较高的测量灵敏度和准确度,用本法测定混合试样中间甲酚的含量,相对偏差小于1.5%;测定对甲酚的含量,相对偏差小于2.1%。

    The sensitivity and precision of determination are obtained by selectivity optimum wavelength pairs in which the absorptivity difference of determined component is maximum , and of interference component is zero , relative accuracy of determination is better than 1.5 % for m-cresol and 2.1 % for p-cresol .

  3. 戊酮和正丁醇的混合溶液消除了甲酚体系的浓度曲线峰拖尾现象,其脱附作用明显好于邻二甲苯。

    The mixture of3-pentone and n-butanol was considered as a more suitable desorbent since it eliminated the tailing of concentration profiles obtained from the tests with o-xylene as desobent .