
  • 网络deep snow;Miyuki
  1. 你一旦陷进深雪中,就很难拔出身。

    Once you 're stuck in deep snow , it 's difficult to lever yourself out .

  2. 老人在深雪中跋涉走向家中。

    The old man trudged through the deep snow back towards home .

  3. 加拿大一名女子雪下被埋四天之后获救。令搜救队吃惊的是,被埋于58厘米深雪中的DonnaMona生还。

    After four days under 58 centimeters of snow , search teams were amazed to find Donna Mona alive .

  4. 那些战士们在人迹罕至的深雪中步履艰难地走了好几公里。

    The soldier trudged several kilometres or so through the deep untrodden snow .

  5. 他在深雪之中跋涉了二十英里。

    He trudged 20 miles through the deep snow .

  6. 在深雪中开车是个难题。

    Driving is a problem in deep snow .

  7. 很抱歉我来迟了,在深雪中行走花了我好长的时间。

    I 'm sorry I 'm late ; it took me so long to walk through the deep snow .

  8. 越过空旷的公地,停留深雪潭边,注目晨昏曦微光芒,在满布乌云的天空下,并非出于特别的当头好运,我享受了完美无缺的欣喜。

    Crossing a bare common , in snow puddles , at twilight , under a clouded sky , without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune , I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration .