
  1. 电位滴定法测定深色蔬菜和水果中的维生素C

    Measurement of vitamin C in dark color vegetables and fruits by electric potential titration

  2. 甘蓝、菠菜、羽衣甘蓝、唐莴苣等深色绿叶蔬菜是补充维生素K的最好来源。所以充分地食用这类蔬菜能助你全面享受这种壮骨营养成分带来的好处。

    Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale , spinach , collard greens and Swiss chard are the best source of vitamin K so eat plenty of them to get the full benefit of this bone-boosting nutrient .

  3. 深色绿叶蔬菜、芦笋、花椰菜和橘子都富含叶酸盐,这是自然形式的叶酸。

    Dark leafy vegetables , asparagus , broccoli and citrus fruit are rich sources of folate . Folate is the naturally occurring form of folic acid .