
  • 网络huainan;Huainan city
  1. GIS在淮南市水环境管理中的应用中国水环境管理体制改革初探

    Application of Geographical Information System in Water Environmental Management of Huainan City

  2. 基于J2EE的淮南市中小企业电子商务平台的研究与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Small and Medium-sized E-commerce Platform in Huainan City Based on J2EE

  3. 淮南市大气PM(10)中多环芳烃污染特征的研究

    Study on Pollution Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Atmospheric PM_ ( 10 ) in Huainan

  4. 根据淮南市某测区GPS网中公共点的高程异常,建立测区的似大地水准面的数学模型,从不同角度对模型的代表性误差进行了评价。

    Based on the elevation anomaly of the common points in the GPS net in certain area of Huainan city , this paper establishes the mathematical model of the quasigeoid in the survey area , and assesses the representative error of the model from various angles .

  5. 基于此GIS系统,对淮南市水质现状进行客观评价,对废水排放量进行预测,合理划分水环境功能区以及水环境容量计算,对淮南市水环境进行合理规划。

    On the basis of the system , the water quality is assessed objectively , the effluent volume in the future is predicted , the water environmental functional district is planned , the water environment capacity is calculated and the water environment of HuaiNan City is planned rationally .

  6. 淮南市耕地数量变化与经济增长的结构性分析

    Structural analysis on quantitative changes of cultivated land and economic growth

  7. 淮南市采煤沉陷区生态综合治理机制分析

    Comprehensive analysis of governance mechanisms of ecological mining subsidence in Huainan

  8. 淮南市学生面部人体蠕形螨感染情况

    Infection of Human Demodex on Facial Skin of Students in Huainan

  9. 淮南市土壤重金属污染生态研究

    Ecological Study on the Soil Heavy Metal Pollution in Huainan City

  10. 淮南市旅游市场定位与营销策略分析

    Analysis on the Positioning of Tourist Market and Marketing in Huainan

  11. 淮南市保健干部健康体检结果分析

    Result analysis of care 's the healthy check-up of Huainan city

  12. 整体来说,淮南市可吸入颗粒物污染较严重。

    Conclusively , pollutant of inhaled particulate of Huainan is serious .

  13. 淮南市城市污泥特征及其重金属生物可利用性研究

    Study on Characteristics and Metals Bioavailability of Huainan Municipal Sludge

  14. 淮南市城市生活垃圾现状和处理对策探讨

    The Analysis of Huainan 's Domestic Waste Status Quo and Disposal Countermeasures

  15. 淮南市资源综合利用及循环经济状况分析

    Resource Comprehensive Utilization and the Status Analysis of Circulating Economy

  16. 采煤塌陷水域已成为淮南市矿区一种特殊的地表水体。

    The aquatic environment for excavate coal subside seeper area in Huainan ;

  17. 淮南市典型采煤塌陷区水域环境现状评价

    Environment evaluation on typical water area resulting from coal-mine subsidence in Huainan

  18. 淮南市矿区蔬菜中铜的吸收特征研究

    Research on the Copper Absorption Characteristics of Vegetables in Huainan Coal-Mining Areas

  19. 基于支持向量机的淮南市浅层地下水水质评价

    Evaluation of shallow groundwater quality in Huainan based on support vector machine

  20. 我来自安徽省淮南市。

    I come from Huainan City , Anhui Province .

  21. 对淮南市市场发育现状的思考

    Pondering over the developing actuality of Huai Nan market

  22. 资源型城市行业投资回报与金融贡献实证研究&以淮南市主要行业为例

    An Empirical Study of Industry Investment Returns and Credit Input in Resource-based Cities

  23. 淮南市的定量分析颇具说服力。

    Quantitative analysis in Huainan City is quite convincing .

  24. 淮南市上窑刚架拱桥微弯板加固设计

    Just the curved plank with tiny arched bridge reinforced a design in Huainan

  25. 淮南市社区体育人力资源现状及对策研究

    The research on current situation and solution to human resources in Huainan community

  26. 淮南市1990~1994年学生传染病谱分析

    Infectious Diseases Among Students-Huainan City , 1990 ~ 1994

  27. 淮南市持续发展的生态安全评价

    Ecological Security Assessment for Sustainable Development in Huainan City

  28. 证明人:现任淮南市开元置业开发公司总经理。

    Prover : zgonghualai , a general manager in Huainan Kaiyuan Real Estate Co.

  29. 淮南市不同环境中粉螨群落组成和多样性现场调查

    Composition and Diversity of Acaroid Mite Community in Different Environments in Huainan City

  30. 淮南市2001年法定传染病流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Characteristics of Infectious Diseases in Huainan in 2001