- 网络huai-nan tzu;Master Huainan

[Huainan Zi] 书名。西汉淮南王刘安及其门客苏非、李尚等所著,又名《淮南鸿烈》。属于杂家著作,它揉合儒、法和阴阳五行家的观点。现流传下来的二十一篇,内篇论道,外篇杂说
One day , when he was leafing through the book Huainan Zi , he came across a line saying : " When the mantis1 preys2 on the cicada , it relies entirely3 upon a leaf to conceal4 its body . " He thought that if one could get such a leaf , one could become invisible .
The Intermediation Research of " Huainanzi " Ideological and Artistic Characteristics
A study of the narrative elements of writings of Prince Huainan
The chapter summarizes completely the health-preserving in The Huainan Zi .
A Research into the Life Philosophy of Huai Nan Zi
Huainan Zi and the Spirit of China 's Literary Criticism
Chapter one introduces the political and learning background of Huai Nan Zi .
The rich content and profound ideas had a far-reaching influence on the Taoism .
The fourth part views and emulates the literary specific characteristic of Huai Nan Zi .
Section two of the " Huainanzi ", the main source philosophy to explain Taoist philosophy .
Comments on the View of Nature and Mankind in Huai Nan Zi through the Genesis Myths
The existing historical literature , Huai Nan Zi first given the title of Confucius prime .
Like Lao-tzu , Huainan-Zi regarded Tao as the most fundamental and supreme category of its philosophic thoughts .
Meanwhile , the paper reveals the thinking characteristics of " fitting " Huai-nan Zi had paid attention to .
The fifth part explains the development state and corresponding characteristic of the mythology recorded at Huai Nan Zi .
Its legal ideology is a sum-up of the legal ideology of the Huang-Lao school since the pre-Qin period .
Establish the Great Sence of Moral Education , Start the Great System of the Moral Education Work at Schools
However , Huai Nan Zi is a profound critique of Confucius and the doctrine of the irrational elements .
This thesis tries to analyze its medical science thought completely and explores instructive theories which can be used by TCM .
In addition to Taoism , but also integrated the Confucian , School , Legalism , the School of the statement .
The third part does textual research on the component situation of the ideology of Zhu Zi of Huai Nan Zi .
Thus the outstanding characteristics displays as the " opening " learning idea and inasmuch reflects the essential aspect of Huai-nan Zi .
The new changes in philosophical view and aesthetical need are the two origins of the new aesthetic implications of the book .
Huainan Zi , as a significant work of ideology of the West Han Dynasty , possesses abundant thoughts of ideological philosophy .
As the great synthesizer of Taoism during Qin and Han dynasties , Huainan-Zi had the distinct relationship in source with Lao-tzu .
The second passage introduces that how to preserve human 's health , showing the philosophy interest that it cherishes the life and living .
Huai Nan Zi while certainly praised Confucius ' political and educational achievements . Confucius and the doctrine of the negative factors were criticized .
But in a long historical process , the research on the core elements , such as the function words is still very fragmentary .
Confucius devoted his life to engage in education , . Huai Nan Zi and Shi Ji praised the outstanding performance of Confucius in education .
In the political field , " Huainan-Zi " made famous " inaction " theory , which is an important strategy of the Western Han rulers recuperate .