
  • 网络HALLS;nodoame;cough drop
  1. 你想买润喉糖却要遭到冷冷的盘问:“是你要买?”

    That chilling question when you ask for throat sweets ," Are these for you ?"

  2. 还有蜂蜜茶润喉糖舒洁纸巾

    Or you have tea with honey , you have Halls , you have Kleenex .

  3. 《电视指南杂志》:在剧中你经常要扯着嗓门喊,那你肯定要吃不少润喉糖吧

    TV Guide Magazine : With all the yelling you do , you must need a lot of lozenges

  4. 这个润喉糖能减轻我的喉咙疼,当我生病的时候能然我觉得非常舒服。

    When I used the gummi logenzes it soothed my throat and comforted me tremendously when I was sick .

  5. 和一个吃了一半的润喉薄荷糖。

    And a half-sucked breath mint .

  6. 影响润喉糖果中还原糖当量的几个因素

    Effect of several factors on dextrose equivalent in throat lozenge