
  • 网络silent and soft,it moistens everything.
  1. 润物细无声&浅谈音乐教育的育人功能

    A Subtle Influence & On the Cultivating Functions of Music Education

  2. 唐用他那润物细无声的方式感动了许许多多的生命。

    In his own quiet way Don had touched many lives .

  3. 润物细无声&论对外汉语教学与汉学

    Moistened Quietly by Drizzle & On Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and Sinology

  4. 入乡不随俗与润物细无声&浅谈云南民族文化在港澳台地区传播的语言策略

    The Language Strategy in the Transmission of Yunnan Ethnic Culture in Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan

  5. 道德的教育是在润物细无声中进行的,是在教师和学生平等的心灵沟通中进行的。

    Moral education is conducted in moisten things silently , is equal in the hearts of teachers and students of communication carried out .

  6. 随风潜入夜润物细无声&浅谈大学生写字心理素质的培养

    Diving into Night with Wind and Moistening Everything with Thinnish Sound & Elementary introduction to mental quality cultivation of the college students ' lettering

  7. 这对传承中华传统武术文化,培养学生优秀道德品质将起到润物细无声的作用。

    The heritage of Chinese traditional martial arts culture , cultivate students ' good moral quality will play a " moisten things silently " role .

  8. 它以润物细无声的形式出现在了电影和电视荧幕上,已然显现出广告和影视发展的新趋势。

    It " moisten things silently ," appeared in the form of film and television screen , already show the advertising and film development trend .

  9. 新媒体环境下,微博时代润物细无声般悄然来临,渐渐改变着人们对纷繁复杂信息的消费诉求。

    Under the new media environment , the era of microblogging come into our life quietly in silence , gradually changing consumer demands for complicated information .

  10. 它没有形状,没有定势,是润物细无声的诱惑,是若隐若现的美景,是朝思暮想的探究,是以少胜多的智慧。

    It is a lure of watering plants silently , a indistinct beautiful scene , a yearning probe day and night , a wisdom with few rather than more .

  11. 润物细无声也谈作文评语中的情感渗透不要冷落弱势群体谈差生作文评语的写作

    It Makes Everything Wet Softly , Soundlessly & Also Talk About the Feeling Penetration of Composition Remark . Don 't Ignore Weak Community ── Remark Writing of Bad Composition

  12. 它可以离开课堂,以信息和舆论的形式,用一种润物细无声的方式对受众在行为方式和思想意识等方面产生影响。

    It can leave the classroom , in the form of information and opinion , in a way to moisten things silently on audience behavior and ideology the impact areas .

  13. 也许我不需要上天堂才能再次见到唐,因为他以那种润物细无声的方式,为人间添上了一笔天堂的色彩。

    Maybe I don 't need to wait till we get to Heaven to see Don again , because he made the Earth a little more like Heaven , in his own quiet way .

  14. 没想到的是,奢华其实也可以平易近人,润物细无声地在细节中低调呈现,让人如沐春风。

    Which is unexpected is that actually luxury can also be amiable and easy to approach , and it can be subtly and low-key presented in details , which makes you feel like a spring breeze .

  15. 情境教学作为建构主义后的又一重要学习与认知理论,正以润物细无声之势影响着当前的教学改革和教育工作者,也受到了计算机辅助教学界的极大关注。

    Now as an important cognition theory after constructivism , situated teaching is influencing the present instruction reformation and teaching staff in a silent and effective way , so it caught much interest of the people in CAI .

  16. 大学学习气氛具有驱动功能、凝聚功能、熏陶功能、规范功能,在人的成长中发挥着润物细无声的巨大作用。

    The university studied climate that is capable of driving functional cohesion function , the influence of function , specification , features plays great role in the growth of human , which " Moisturizes things in silence " .

  17. 充满知识、文雅有序、生动活泼、平等友爱、团结互助的氛围发挥着润物细无声的作用,使学生感受着医学高等学府浓郁的人文气息,从而逐渐培育着医学的人文精神。

    Students will be imperceptibly influenced under such an environment that people here are knowledgeable , refined , spirited , equal and ready to help each other , In a medical college saturated with humanistic atmosphere , they will gradually cultivate the medical humanistic spirit definitely .

  18. 教育的核心是人格心灵的唤醒,语文教师有责任有义务借助传统文化,润物细无声地帮助他们摒弃假、丑、恶,追求真、善、美。

    The core of education is to arouse noble characters , we Chinese teachers are responsible to imperceptibly help the students dispel the fake , the hideous , the evil and pursue the true , the good , the beautiful with the aid of traditional culture .