
rùn fà yóu
  • brilliantine;hair oil
  1. 黄油涂得很薄的面包把润发油涂在头发上。

    Bread and scrape apply pomade to , of hair .

  2. 他给木头涂上了褐色。把润发油涂在头发上。

    He stained the wood brown . apply pomade to , of hair .

  3. (头发)擦润发油的。

    ( of hair ) groomed with pomade .

  4. 把润发油涂在头发上。

    Apply pomade to , of hair .

  5. (头发)擦润发油的。擦鞋匠:以擦鞋和上鞋油为生的人。

    ( of hair ) groomed with pomade . bootblack : a person who cleans and polishes shoes for a living .

  6. 对于比较厚密的短发,使用润发油可以获得光泽湿润的外观,可以保持弹性,避免僵硬。

    Use pomade on short and thick hair to get a wet , glossy look that works great for a flexible hold without stiffness .

  7. 一种能使头发既容易管理又富有光泽的润发油。甲片上涂上奶油绿,再涂层透明的使其有光泽。

    A pomade to make the hair manageable and lustrous . First paint the nail with a cream green color , then a shimmery one .

  8. 出席晚间活动之前,他通常会取豌豆大小的润发油或发蜡涂在手心上,摩擦双手将其均匀抹开,然后用手指抓头发。

    Knoll often takes a pea-sized amount of pomade or wax , rubs it between his hands to soften it up , and wraps pieces of hair around his fingers .