
  • 网络Consumer Spending;CPI;PCE
  1. 财政部早就预测消费者支出会出现上扬。

    The Treasury has long been predicting an upturn in consumer spending .

  2. 中国政府的刺激计划、不断上升的消费者支出以及6%的国内生产总值(GDP)增速,中国的百万富翁制造机器在这些因素的推动下正在高效运转。

    The government stimulus , rising consumer spending and 6 % GDP growth has kept China 's millionaire-making-machine well oiled .

  3. 消费者支出在减少,商人感觉手头拮据。

    Consumers are spending less and traders are feeling the pinch .

  4. 从另一方面讲,现在消费者支出占GDP的比例越低,消费市场未来成长的空间也就越大。

    And the lower consumption 's current share of GDP , the more scope there is for it to grow .

  5. 在过去一年里,实际消费者支出增长15%,比国内生产总值(gdp)接近双位数的增速还快。

    Its real consumer spending has jumped 15 per cent in the past year , outpacing the almost double digit rise in gross domestic product .

  6. 研究公司凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)整理的19个大型新兴经济体的数据显示,8月工业产出和第二季度消费者支出双双跌至2009年以来最低水平。

    Data from 19 large emerging economies collated by research firm Capital Economics show that industrial output in August and consumer spending in the second quarter fell to their lowest levels since 2009 .

  7. 对GDP的增长作出积极贡献的其他因素包括消费者支出,增幅为1.7%;固定资产投资,增幅为1.6%;以及净出口,增幅为0.2%。

    Other positive contributions to GDP growth included consumer spending , 1.7 percent ; fixed investment , 1.6 percent ; and net exports , 0.2 percent .

  8. 这种灵活性在过去几十年里极大地提振了住房价格和消费者支出,正因为如此,进一步利用这一趋势才成为“扭转操作”(operationtwist)的部分理论依据。

    This flexibility has boosted house prices and consumer spending tremendously over the decades , which is why part of the rationale for operation twist is to milk the trend further .

  9. GDP的组成包括四部分,分别是政府支出、消费者支出、私人或企业投资、净出口额或净进口额。

    GDP has four components : government expenditures , consumer spending , private or business investment , and the surplus of exports over imports , or vice versa .

  10. MediaMarkt或许需要中国&该公司还能找到其它消费者支出每年增长8%的国家吗?

    Media Markt may need China - where else can the company find consumer spending growing at 8 per cent a year ?

  11. 鉴于预算赤字已超过国内生产总值(gdp)的10%,政府开支必须产生更长远的影响,而不止是暂时提振消费者支出。

    With budget deficits of more than 10 per cent of gross domestic product , government spending needs to be far more consequential than temporary boosts to consumer spending .

  12. 百胜将问题归咎于消费者支出疲软,但星巴克(starbucks)等其他企业在中国的营业额仍在继续增长。

    Yum has blamed weakened consumer spending , but other groups , such as Starbucks , have continued to see growing sales in China .

  13. 由于照明在消费者支出中约占1%,仅这一项就意味着实际人均GDP在两个世纪以来被低估了7%左右。

    Since light accounts for about 1 per cent of consumer spending , this alone means that the change in real GDP per capita was underestimated by about 7 per cent over two centuries .

  14. 但联合国数据显示,非洲大宗商品行业、服务业和消费者支出呈现繁荣局面的同时,制造业在地区GDP中所占比重从12.8%降至10.5%。

    But a boom in commodities , services and consumer spending has coincided with the relative decline of African manufacturing from 12.8 to 10.5 per cent of regional GDP , according to UN figures .

  15. 今年第一季度国内生产总值(GDP)增长的55%由消费者支出贡献,预计2013年消费对GDP增长的贡献将连续第三年超过投资。

    Consumer spending in the first quarter of this year accounted for 55 per cent of gross domestic product growth , raising expectations that 2013 may be the third consecutive year in which consumption contributes more than investment to GDP growth .

  16. 9月份消费者支出急剧下降,人们担心自己的工作、储蓄和房屋价值,从而导致了经济的负增长。这同第二季度GDP出现近百分之3的增长形成鲜明对照。

    Consumer spending fell sharply in September as people worried about their jobs , savings and value of their homes , contributing to negative economic growth - a sharp contrast to nearly three percent annualized GDP growth during the second quarter .

  17. 不过,由美国人口普查局(CensusBureau)追踪的月度耐用商品数据,常会出现较大的环比变化,经济学家们往往更看重就业、消费者支出和收入等因素。

    But durable goods data , tracked by the Census Bureau , is often highly volatile on a month-to-month basis , and economists tend to put more weight on other factors like employment , consumer spending and income .

  18. 当然,就像草药伟哥(viagra)的卖家据说所发现的那样,当消费者支出下滑,一些产品销路不错,一些产品则很糟糕。

    Of course , as the sellers of herbal viagra are said to be discovering , when consumer spending falls , some products do well and others do very badly .

  19. “对于实际消费者支出增幅将在2011年前恢复正值,我们表示怀疑,因为英国整体经济今、明两年都将出现负增长,”荷兰国际集团(ing)的詹姆斯奈特利(jamesknightley)表示。

    " We doubt that real consumer spending growth will return to positive territory until 2011 with the UK economy as a whole recording negative growth for both this year and next , " said James Knightley at ing .

  20. 英国酒店协会(BritishHospitalityAssociation)估计,英国3万家餐馆和咖啡馆中的约半数可能会受到影响,使这个利润因能源和食品价格上涨及消费者支出放缓已遭挤压的行业面临进一步压力。

    The British Hospitality Association estimates that roughly half of the 30,000 restaurants and caf é s in the UK could be affected , adding further pressure to a trade that is already being squeezed by higher energy and food costs as well as the slowdown in consumer spending .

  21. 根据追踪消费者支出的市场研究集团尼尔森(nielsen)的最新数据,美国消费者认为,经济滑坡已基本见底,预计经济将在明年内复苏的人数多于6个月前。

    US consumers believe the economic slump has almost bottomed , with more people expecting a recovery within the next year than six months ago , according to new data from Nielsen , the market research group that tracks consumer spending .

  22. 对冲基金Odey的策略师尼克•卡恩说,这相当简单:公司的收入受消费者支出的速度所决定;

    Nick Carn , a strategist at Odey , a hedge-fund group , says it is pretty simple : companies'revenues are determined by the pace of consumer spending ;

  23. 上周,日本央行(boj)行长白川方明(masaakishirakawa)表示,日元上涨损害了出口,而与之相关的股市下跌,对资本支出和消费者支出都造成了消极的影响。

    Last week , Masaaki Shirakawa , governor of the Bank of Japan , said the appreciation of the yen hurt exports , while the associated stock price falls had a negative impact on capital expenditure and consumer spending .

  24. 同时,对国际上关于各种方法的最新研究进展进行了追踪,如Bhattacharyya法、消费者支出单一方程法、消费者支出系统法、改进的KK法等。

    Meanwhile , this chapter also tracks the latest research in the world concerning each method , such as the method of Bhattacharyya , consumers expenditure single formula method , consumers expenditure systematic method , the modified KK method etc. .

  25. 缅因州龙虾业者协会(MaineLobstermen'sAssociation)执行理事帕特里斯&12539;麦卡伦(PatriceMcCarron)说,如果在五年内供应量增加80%,到消费者支出疲软的时候,价格就很难保持增长步伐。

    ' When you increase supply by 80 % in five years , ' it is hard for prices to keep up when consumer spending is weak , says Patrice McCarron , executive director of the Maine Lobstermen 's Association , which represent the state 's fishermen .

  26. 与许多资产管理公司一样,halbis对于亚洲经济和股市的中长期前景表示乐观,部分原因是消费者支出增加的巨大潜力。

    Like many asset managers , halbis is optimistic about the medium and longterm outlook for Asian economies and equities . This is partly because of the significant potential for upside growth in consumer spending .

  27. 消费者支出占美国整个经济活动的三分之二。

    Consumer spending is two-thirds of the total U.S. economic activity .

  28. 更新设备、重新招聘以及更强劲的消费者支出指日可待。

    Re-tooling , re-hiring and stronger consumer spending cannot be far behind .

  29. 消费者支出的下降尤其对汽车销售产生了负面影响。

    The cut back had a particularly adverse effect on auto sales .

  30. 消费者支出和出口都大幅下降,公司利润也下跌。

    Consumer spending and exports slumped , while corporate profits also declined .