
hǎi què
  • puffin;auk;guillemot;loomery
海雀[hǎi què]
  1. 在冰岛发现了世界上最大的大西洋海雀群,约有800万到1000万只。

    The world 's largest Atlantic puffin colonies are found in Iceland , containing some 8 to 10 million birds .

  2. 北大西洋黑白色的海雀,嘴扁平且边沿锋利。

    Black-and-white North Atlantic auk having a compressed sharp-edged bill .

  3. 海雀稗种质资源RAPD分子标记的遗传多样性研究

    Genetic diversity of seashore paspalum ( Paspalum vaginatum ) basded on RAPD molecular markers

  4. 海雀稗种质资源的优良特性及其利用价值

    Good properties and values for utilization of seashore paspalum germplasm resource

  5. 很明显,有一种适当的方法可以释放这些海雀。

    Apparently there is a proper way to release the pufflings .

  6. 北太平洋沿岸的几种小型海雀。

    Any of several small auks of north Pacific coasts .

  7. 大海雀濒临灭绝,但它们的罕有却使得对它们的市场需求进一步上升。

    Great auks became endangered , and their rarity only heightened demand .

  8. 北海有黑色或褐色斑点的小海雀。

    Small black or brown speckled auks of northern seas .

  9. 1844年的今天,最后一对大海雀被杀。

    1844-The last pair of Great Auks is killed .

  10. 他们所捕杀的是世上已知的最后一对成双的大海雀。

    The great auks they asphyxiated were the last mating pair ever seen .

  11. 这就是海雀巡逻队的由来。

    That 's where the puffling patrols come in .

  12. 短嘴小海雀,北极地区极多。

    Small short-billed auk abundant in arctic regions .

  13. 但是,有证据表明,海雀曾经是优秀的游泳和潜水选手。

    However , evidence suggests that the auk was an excellent swimmer and diver .

  14. 大海雀是种灭绝的鸟类。

    The Great Auk is an extinct bird .

  15. 如果北极有海雀,它们在拍卖方舟吗?

    And if there are auks in the Arctic , Are they auctioning arks ?

  16. 现在预测英国还有几十万海雀。

    It is estimated that there are several hundred thousand puffins in the uk .

  17. 赫马岛的孩子们世世代代都在拯救被称为pufflings的幼海雀。

    The children of Heimaey have been saving young puffins called pufflings for generations .

  18. 他们正是受雇于某商人来捕杀大海雀的。

    The destructive trio had been hired by a merchant to hunt the birds .

  19. 曾在远离北大西洋海岸的多岩岛屿上大型不会飞行的海雀;已灭绝。

    Large large flightless auk of rocky islands off North Atlantic coast ; extinct .

  20. 但对于刚出生不久的海雀来说,这无疑有点伤脑筋。

    But no doubt it 's a little nerve-racking for the recently born pufflings .

  21. 北极有海雀抑或北极没有海雀。

    Are there auks in the Arctic or are not there auks in the Arctic .

  22. 中国扁嘴海雀第二繁殖地的发现

    New discovery of second reproduction base of the short-billed guillemot ( synthliboramphus antiquus ) in China

  23. 事实上,记录表明,海雀是相当美味和它的蛋。

    In fact , records indicate that the auk was rather tasty and that its eggs .

  24. 这只标本看起来像一只硕大的企鹅,但实际上它是海雀。

    This stuffed animal is not the giant penguin it appears to be , but anauk .

  25. 几个世纪以来,上万,不,或许有好几百万的大海雀生活在北大西洋沿岸。

    Hundreds of thousands - possibly millions - thrived in North Atlantic ocean waters for centuries .

  26. 北部海域的蹼足潜水海鸟;海雀;角嘴海雀;海雀科鸟;海鸠;等。

    Web-footed diving seabirds of northern seas : auks ; puffins ; guillemots ; murres ; etc. .

  27. 毛绒动物是不是这似乎是巨型企鹅,但海雀。

    This stuffed animal is not the giant penguin it appears to be , but an auk .

  28. 道格拉斯注意到,和其它小海雀和海鸟相比,冠毛小海雀在对待扁虱这个问题上似乎没有什么困难。而这种柑橘气味则提醒他想起了曾经看过的一篇关于鸟类的研究报告。

    He noticed the birds had little trouble with ticks compared to other species of auklets and seabirds .

  29. 帕韦尔斯基海雀父母们在悬崖峭壁上筑巢嵌穴,日复一日地捕鱼养家。

    Puffin parents dig nesting burrows into the cliffs , and spend their days fishing for their families .

  30. 有人最后一次目击到活着的大海雀是在1852年,现于加拿大纽芬兰岛的大浅滩。

    The last known live great auk was spotted in 1852 at The Grand Banks of Newfoundland , Canada .