
  • 网络Haida;HEDDA;Heida
  1. 但在剧院里扮演“美狄亚”或者“海达.盖伯乐”,演员便进入到一个已被很多次演绎过的神话的领域。

    While in the theatre with Medea or Hedda Gabler , one enters into mythical realms , already performed many times over .

  2. 在与海达族代表在伦敦和加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚进行了讨论之后,我们达成一致意见,认为应该把它重新安放在大中庭(greatcourt)。

    After discussions in London and in British Columbia with the representatives of the Haida , it has been agreed that we should re-install it in the great court .

  3. 玛丽安娜的乌得勒支大学海达用于钱德拉源目录数据比较的数百万星系的位置的X射线源的几十万。

    Marianne Heida of the University of Utrecht used data in the Chandra Source Catalogue to compare hundreds of thousands of sources of X-rays with the positions of millions of galaxies .

  4. 我也已经请求将来把我葬在德罗海达了。

    I too have requested that I be buried on Drogheda .

  5. 兹订购20000打海达牌男衬衫5月直轮装运请确认

    20000 doz mens shirt haida brand may shipmt direct steamer pls confirm

  6. 三名海达族代表从不列颠哥伦比亚赶来出席。

    Three Haida representatives had travelled from British Columbia to be present .

  7. 海达族人说的赫胥语。英国人是个航海的民族。

    The Na-Dene language of the Haida people . The British are a sea-going race .

  8. 在2011年6月,我们一行23个成员登上了海达路德游轮开始了我们的行程。

    So in June 2011,23 of us went on board the Hurtigruten coastal ship and we set off .

  9. 我们则含蓄一些,只是与海达族客人和加拿大副高级专员共同享用了咖啡和饼干。

    We , more reserved , had coffee and biscuits with our Haida guests and the Canadian Deputy High Commissioner .

  10. 海达路德对游客的着装没有特殊要求,无需特别携带套装和领带。

    On Hurtigruten ships , there is no particular dress code so no need to bring your suit and tie .

  11. 这个是我们当时制作海达路德的全部计划书,134个小时的节目,就一张纸。

    So this is actually the whole running order for Hurtigruten , 134 hours , just written on one page .

  12. 北美洲的另外两个部落特林吉人和海达人的交换习俗也充分体现出类似性质。

    Other two clan Tlingit and Haida custom of intelligent , well-informed person of North America fully embody similar properties too .

  13. 杭州海达应用材料公司拥有自己专业的生产工厂配有数控车、加工中心、线切割、焊接机等加工及检测设备。

    Our own professional manufacturing plant equipped with CNC machining center , wire cutting , automatic welding machines and test equipment .

  14. 于是就在卑尔根线路秀播出一周之后,我们联系了海达路德游轮公司,讨论计划我们的下一档节目。

    So just a week after the Bergen Railway , we called the Hurtigruten company and we started planning for our next show .

  15. 但共和党的许多立法项目本来就陷于停滞;作为布什第二个总统任期首要计划的社保改革,也石沉大海达一年之久。

    But much of the Republican legislative programme was already stalled anyway ; the flagship of the Bush second term , Social Security reform , sank a good year ago .

  16. 海达橡塑集团-橡胶塑料制品研发制造的引领者,以卓越的前瞻性和技术革新能力引领橡塑制品研发制造的新潮流。

    Haida rubber and plastic group is the leading supplier in the rubber and plastic products industry , which leads the new trade in the industry with perfect forward looking and technical innovation .

  17. 为了在内地更好发展,在东莞成立东莞市海达仪器有限公司,专业从事研发、生产与销售各种检测仪器设备。

    In order to better development in the Mainland , Dongguan Haida equipment Co. , Ltd. , was established in Dongguan , and specializes in R & D , production and sales of a variety of testing equipment .

  18. 《时代》杂志称,有超过300万的观众(挪威500万总人口的一半还多)收看《海达路德:分分秒秒》,这档挪威2011年新出的慢节目,直播一艘游轮在挪威西海岸航行五天的所有记录。

    More than 3 million viewers ( more than half of Norway 's population of 5 million ) , tuned in for " Hurtigruten : Minutt for Minutt , " a five-day live 2011 broadcast of a cruise ship traveling up the Norwegian west coast , according to Time .