
  • SpongeBob SquarePants;Sponge baby
  1. 用海绵宝宝(SpongeBob)等卡通人物设计的网络米姆(meme)纷纷涌现。

    Memes using cartoon characters like SpongeBob SquarePants were rampant .

  2. 这次飓风引发了几个与桑迪有关的Twitter账户的创建一些严肃的,一些幽默的还有几个搞笑图片放上了海绵宝宝播放器松鼠桑迪的的照片,《纽约邮报》周一报道。

    The storm sparked the creation of several Hurricane Sandy-related Twitter accounts some serious , some humorous as well as several joking images superimposing the faces of SpongeBob Squarepants squirrel Sandy , the New York Post reported Monday .

  3. Nickelodeon旗下KidsandFamilyGroup总裁西马•扎哈米(CymaZarghami)表示,海绵宝宝身上带有的“美国”色彩非常少。

    There is very little about SpongeBob that is ' American , " says Cyma Zarghami , president of the Nickelodeon MTV Networks Kids and Family Group .

  4. 海绵宝宝是和粉色蜗牛Gary一起生活在海底,他的教练名叫泡芙阿姨(小编注:Puff在英语中是对男同性恋的称呼),该动画片在1999年刚刚播出时在同性恋社团受到欢迎。

    Spongebob , who lives in an underwater pineapple with pink snail Gary and receives driving lessons from Mrs Puff , has been popular with the gay community since his inception in 1999 .

  5. 例如当维亚康姆(ViacomInc.)旗下的Nickelodeon电视频道准备在日本推出海绵宝宝(SpongeBobSquarePants)时,市场研究认为这是注定要失败的。

    When Viacom Inc. 's Nickelodeon looked into bringing SpongeBob SquarePants to Japan , market research said the show was bound to flop .

  6. 这次飓风引发了几个与桑迪有关的Twitter账户的创建——一些严肃的,一些幽默的——还有几个搞笑图片放上了“海绵宝宝播放器”松鼠桑迪的的照片,《纽约邮报》周一报道。

    The storm sparked the creation of several Hurricane Sandy-related Twitter accounts - some serious , some humorous - as well as several joking images superimposing the faces of " SpongeBob Squarepants " squirrel Sandy , " the New York Post reported Monday .

  7. 海绵宝宝不是伴娘的最佳纹身。

    Sponge Bob isn 't the best tattoo pick for a bridesmaid .

  8. 海绵宝宝拥有开朗的性格,是个乐天派,但同时也有些幼稚。

    SpongeBob is an optimistic and energetic character , but also very naive .

  9. 《天线宝宝》和《海绵宝宝》之前已经被禁止。

    Both Tinky Winky and Spongebob Squarepants have been " outed " before .

  10. 还有“美国狙击手”和“海绵宝宝”

    There 's " American Sniper " And there 's " Sponge Bob . "

  11. 我发誓,我可以像派大星保护海绵宝宝一样守护你。

    I swear , I can send large star like spongebob guards to protect you .

  12. 你用海绵宝宝思考。

    You think with your penis .

  13. 海绵宝宝戴着的那顶空气头盔?

    That air helmet SpongeBob wears ?

  14. 她妈妈叫她“海绵宝宝”,因为每天她都带着一些新的知识回家。

    Her mother calls her " the sponge " because every day she comes home with new nuggets of knowledge .

  15. 要过得像海绵宝宝一样,总是那么乐观,那么开心,那么可爱,那么阳光。

    To live like spongebob , always so optimistic as , so happy , so lovely , so the sunshine .

  16. 海绵宝宝取得成功的原因之一在于,它生活在一个没有人类、也没有明显的文化参照的海底世界。

    One thing that may have helped is that SpongeBob lives in an undersea world without humans and overt cultural references .

  17. 海绵宝宝在蟹堡王餐厅做煎炸厨师,在那里他多次荣获每月最佳员工。

    SpongeBob is a fry cook at the Krusty Krab restaurant , at which he has won employee of the month many times .

  18. 随后他补充说:这样他们就和电视上的其他人物相比独树一帜了,当然除了海绵宝宝以外。

    He then adds : ' It is so they wouldn 't look like anything else on TV * except for Spongebob . '

  19. 春季大扫除,海绵宝宝决定把所有垃圾都当做珍贵的回忆保留下来。

    When its time for spring cleaning , SpongeBob decides to keep everything he possesses as precious memories instead of throwing them away .

  20. 李拉德说,类似《海绵宝宝》这样的节目可能影响学习能力的原因之一就是它不仅节奏快而且内容充满奇幻。

    Lillard says one reason why a show like " SpongeBob SquarePants " might affect learning is its combination of speed and content .

  21. 弗吉尼亚大学的研究人员想要弄清楚观看《海绵宝宝》后是否会影响孩子立即学习的能力。

    University of Virginia researchers wanted to find out whether watching " SpongeBob " affected kids'ability to learn immediately after seeing the show .

  22. 制作的剧目包括:《音乐之声》、《42街》、《灰姑娘》、《海绵宝宝现场秀》、《律政俏佳人》、《发胶星梦》等。

    Select productions include : The Sound of Music , 42nd Street , Cinderella , SpongeBob Squarepants Live : The Sponge Who Could Fly !

  23. 根据乌克兰道德监督部门的看法,海绵宝宝的同性恋形象会对乌克兰的孩子造成真实的威胁。

    Spongebob Squarepants is a gay cartoon character who is a real threat to Ukrainian children , according to the country 's morality watchdog .

  24. 而回过头来看看海绵宝宝的造型:方形的身体、巨大的嘴巴和门牙,还有那大眼睛以及有点讨人厌的性格。这些都与“愈”的概念相左。

    SpongeBob , with his square body , huge mouth , buckteeth , big bug eyes and somewhat annoying personality , was the antithesis of iyashi .

  25. 根据乌克兰道德监督部门的看法,海绵宝宝的同性恋形象会对乌克兰的孩子造成“真实的威胁”。

    Spongebob Squarepants is a gay cartoon character who is a " real threat " to Ukrainian children , according to the country 's morality watchdog .

  26. 海绵宝宝的粉丝们在这部动漫最初播出的时候可能还是孩子,而海绵宝宝的网络重塑使它得以与粉丝们一起成长。

    SpongeBob SquarePants ' ? s online reinvention has enabled the show to age along with its fans , who were likely children when the series debuted .

  27. 内容简介:章鱼哥在家大扫除时用一把旧玩具吉他打发走了前来干扰他的海绵宝宝。

    New York , 2004.Content Abstract : Squidward is doing some cleaning and gives SpongBob an old toy guitar to get him out of his tentacles for the day .

  28. 他的邻居章鱼哥和他一起在蟹堡王工作,海星派大星是海绵宝宝最好的朋友。

    His neighbors are Squidward , who is a squid and SpongeBob 's co-worker at the Krusty Krab , and Patrick , a star fish who is SpongeBob 's best friend .

  29. 海绵宝宝和他的宠物小蜗一起生活,他们居住在位于热带小岛比基尼环礁下面一个虚构的地方&比基尼海滩贝壳街124号。

    SpongeBob lives with his pet snail Gary in a large " pineapple-house " on124 Conch Street in fictional Bikini Bottom , which is located beneath the real tropical isle of Bikini Atoll .

  30. 星期二海绵宝宝的创作者斯蒂芬·海伦伯格去世的消息被宣布之后,社交媒体上有人号召大家分享自己最喜欢的海绵宝宝表情包以此向这位漫画家兼动画设计师致敬。据报道,去年海伦伯格被诊断患上渐冻症(肌萎缩性侧索硬化症)。

    After the death of SpongeBob creator Stephen Hillenburg was announced on Tuesday , some on social media urged others to share their favourite SpongeBob memes as a tribute to the cartoonist and animator , who announced last year he had been diagnosed with ALS .