
hǎi lánɡ
  • sea wolf
  1. 从《海狼》看杰克·伦敦的人生理念

    On the Life Idea of Jack London Based on His Works The Sea Wolf

  2. 兽性意识的张扬者杰克·伦敦初探《海狼》中的兽性意识及其社会意义

    Jack · London , a Writer Who Praises Brutal Consciousness ; Initial Study of the Brutal Consciousness and Its Social Significance in The Sea Wolf

  3. 海狼赖生非常体谅我,水手们都帮助我。

    Wolf Larsen was quite considerate , the sailors helped me .

  4. 海狼赖生得不到这种宗教的报偿。

    The compensations of such religion are denied Wolf Larsen .

  5. 他的浑身魔性在向海狼赖生的魔性寻衅。

    All the devil that was in him challenged the devil in Wolf Larsen .

  6. 海狼赖生对我说,“看看这一点儿有生命的灰尘。”

    Wolf Larsen said to me ," look at this bit of animated dust . "

  7. 她含着同情的眼光望着我,这倒可以抵过海狼赖生的侮辱而有余。

    She looked at me with a sympathy in her eyes which more than compensated for Wolf Larsen 's nastiness .

  8. 他正瞧着海狼赖生,从前的不能和解的憎恨的表情,依旧强烈地留在他的脸上。

    He was looking at Wolf Larsen , the old and implacable snarl of hatred strong as ever on his face .

  9. 八爪鱼、小丑鱼,海狼,蝙蝠鱼,非常艳丽的珊瑚礁,硬软两种珊瑚。

    Octopus , Clown trigger fish , Barracuda , Batfish , stunning healthy colourful coral reef , both hard and soft corals .

  10. 海狼赖生显然精研过那个大哲学家的教训,以自己的需要和希望作为取舍的标准。

    Wolf Larsen , evidently , had sifted the great philosopher 's teachings , rejecting and selecting according to his needs and desires .

  11. 《海狼》则是进入资本主义垄断阶段的美国社会生活的现实主义写照,它关注的是按自然法则进行生存竞争的人们之间的争斗,以及这种争斗的最终精神出路。

    The Sea-Wolf , depicting an increasingly monopolistic American society , highlights the fierce conflict among people who fight for existence and their spiritual salvation .

  12. 他用一根老旧的海狼烟斗,只有下棋时才点上火;外祖父说他这是耍花招,要让对手分心。

    He smoked an old sea wolf 's pipe that he lit only for chess , and my grandfather said it was a trick to distract his opponent .

  13. 别具一格的《野性的呼唤》、《白牙》和《海狼》等小说更是使他名声大噪。

    The unique stories , such as The Call of the Wild , White Fang and The Sea wolf , gave him a great reputation all over the world .

  14. 而他的另一部长篇小说《海狼》,体现了他的主要哲学思想和创作特点,比《马丁。伊登》更适合做他的代表作。

    However , Sea Wolf , his another novel , which embodies his philosophy and writing features , should be considered more properly as his masterpiece than Martin Eden .

  15. 海狼赖生又笑了,同时挥手招呼他们追过来。海狗与海狼&从精神分析角度论《荒野的呼唤》和《雪虎》

    Again Wolf Larsen laughed , at the same time beckoning them with his arm to follow . Sea dog and sea wolf : Psychoanalysis of London s The Call of the Wild and White Fang ;

  16. 实际上,伦敦唯一的一部海洋小说《海狼》(1904)也体现了自然主义倾向,鉴于本论文的长度,在此从略了。

    Actually , London 's only sea novel The Sea Wolf ( 1904 ) also demonstrates a naturalistic tendency . But due to the length of this thesis , I 'd like to discuss it in another paper .

  17. 羊鱼一种具有明丽色彩的羊鱼科的温水海鱼,下颚上有一对触须八爪鱼、小丑鱼,海狼,蝙蝠鱼,非常艳丽的珊瑚礁,硬软两种珊瑚。

    Any of various brightly colored fishes of the family Mullidae of warm seas , having two sensory barbels on the chin . Octopus , Clown trigger fish , Barracuda , Batfish , stunning healthy colourful coral reef , both hard and soft corals .

  18. 1904年问世的《海狼》,是美国作家杰克·伦敦重要的代表作,在整整一百年的漫长岁月里,它被全世界读者反复阅读,至今仍未失去其艺术魅力与社会价值。

    The Sea Wolf , published in 1904 , is one of the most important novels of American writer Jack London . It has been read repeatedly by the readers all of the world for one century and has not lost its artistic charm and social value today .